Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

I took this pic at the Maple Grove Chalk Art Festival two weekends ago. We went on Saturday morning, when the art was in the beginning stages. The artists finished up, mostly, Saturday night, and then it STORMED overnight. We stopped by Sunday morning before the festival actually opened to see how the covered artwork had held up (fairly well, when the clear tarps stayed sealed, but we couldn’t really see much). While there, Annabelle re-enacted Mary Poppins’ arrival. The couple behind her were either photo-bombing or trying to hide behind her, not sure which. Heehee:>)
This image makes me think of several things:
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- I seem to have a thing for umbrellas this year
- Temporary art
And here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
Please note: My daughter Maddie is in town for June before heading back overseas to continue her mission work. Whee! But that means I am not on my blog much. I basically won’t be responding to poems in June, but I’ll continue sharing image prompts so that you can still play. Have fun!
20 Responses
Back from vacation and ready to rhyme! Laura, enjoy your time with your daughter.
Up, up and away,
Wind and rain want to play.
Will anybody join us today?
I love up, up and away! And, a sweet invitation.
Lot of rain this spring and “sprinkled” throughout the days lately… you do have to go join the wind and rain if you want to spend any time outside! Nice rhyme!
Up, up, and away…sends me to singing. Love the idea of wind and rain playing. They are playing outside my window while Tropical Storm Cindy passes through.
Blue Skies and Umbrellas
Hiding sun and photo-bombing fellas!
Is it Poppins or Cinderella?
Fun rhymes!
super clever!
Love all of the rhymes today and the temporary tattoos alliterations. The combination of rain, umbrellas and art make for happy thoughts. I think the couple in the background forgot their umbrella. Happy thoughts may have just turned silly!
Not Always Prepared
Not us!
May we join you
while waiting for our bus?
Very clever, Martha!
Thank you Cindy. I just love Thursdays!
Bad luck
opening your umbrella
Better luck
holding your umbrella
high outside.
with pride!
When I was young I figured it was bad luck to open an umbrella in the house because I was told not to. Bad luck not to do what you were told!
Hope you are enjoying your visit with Maddie!
Nothing is what it seems… and so this is not either.
Oh, Dat a Whay!
On, shumberboots;
Up, bubber roots;
Through ruddled poutes!
The rind and wain are in hacoots!
by Donna JT Smith
Oh, What a Day!
Up, bumbershoots;
On, rubber boots;
Through puddled routes!
The wind and rain are in cahoots!
by Donna JT Smith
Laughing out loud. I think I love version one!
I pick the second version.…bumbershoot! What a fun word. I need to use that one somewhere.
Songs are coming to mind this morning. Thus my title.…
Singing in the Rain
umbrella up
umbrella swing
umbrella smile
umbrella sing!
Love this, Margaret! They should make a musical umbrella…oooh, Bluetooth speakers inside on the edges — surround-sound!
That’s really lovely Margaret.…I will try to find an illustration for that in my travels.
Your song inspired mine, Margaret. (And I’ll take any excuse to use the word bumbershoot!)
Rainy Day Song
Pitter patter,
splitter splatter,
rain drips down.
all through the town.
(And now I’m scanning up the comments and see Donna thought about bumbershoots, too. Great minds think alike?)
Bumbershoots is such a great word!
Bumbershoots — shumberboots — bumberscoots! Ah, yes, great minds — we’ll call it that!