
Rainbowfish #PoetryFriday
Welcome, and happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I’m so happy you’ve dropped by. Whether you’re a regular participant in the Poetry Friday world, or you ended up here from a search or a link, please know that we’re a welcoming community! Read, comment, think, share, and enjoy! It’s Randy’s and

Lydia Lukidis and Up, Up, High: The Secret Poetry of Earth’s Atmosphere
Teachers, I love a good companion book. A book from the same creator/s that is linked, structurally and/or topically, to a previous book. But it’s not a sequel. You don’t have to read the books in a certain order. But you know you can expect the same joy and magic that you got from the

Daily Crosswords on the Phone with Dad — a Tanku
Happy Poetry Friday, and welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I’ve not been online much this past month, and I’ve missed you. In an effort to not make this post overly long, I’ll just share one brief thing before my poem. 40 Poems for 40 Weeks, a professional book by our own

Bus Trip to the Giant’s Causeway — a Haibun
Happy Poetry Friday, and happy New Year to you! Welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I always feel like I’m at confession when it’s time for a Poetry Sisters post. This month is no different. I don’t like haibun. In fact, if you’ve posted them in the past, I’ve probably read just

There Was a Small Child Who Lived in a Book
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Such a busy time, and so much is going on! Randy had shoulder surgery a couple of weeks ago, and his healing is going right on schedule. Which is to say, incredibly slowly. All is good, but I’m exhausted. As I sit here on Thursday

Happy Holidays!
Almost mid-December! I’ll be stepping back over the holidays to celebrate, spend time with my family, and think about 2025. To all my teacher and librarian friends, and all my friends in this crucial business of raising up kids through education, through literacy, through beautiful books–HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I’ll see you in January :>) [My

NCTE and Poems and Picture Books as Conversation Starters
Wow, NCTE. What a hurricane of hugs, sessions, reunions, ideas. I shared a boatload of images on social media, so please do check out my Instagram or Facebook accounts (@laurapsalas for both) if you want a peek. Meanwhile, the session that I presented with Matt Forrest Esenwine, Charles Waters, and Michelle Schaub was fabulous! What

“Irish Souvenirs,” a Poem Inspired by Jane Hirshfield’s “Two Versions”
Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) And happy Thanksgiving, if you celebrate! Also, I got to see some Poetry Friday regulars at NCTE! Waving at Denise Krebs, Matt Forrest Esenwine, Mary Lee Hahn, and Liz Garton Scanlon–and pry some others, though I’m drawing a blank right now. It was

Happy Crafting in the Classroom
I think most educators have known for a long time that arts and crafts aren’t just for filling time or replacing recess on rainy days. They contribute to overall well-being, too. The author of a new study even says, “Governments and national health services might consider funding and promoting crafting, or even socially prescribing these

31 Diverse Picture Books
Doing Good Together is a fabulous national nonprofit focusing on raising kids who contribute and who care. I was so pleased to share We Belong during their October Festival of Giving, right after I returned from Ireland. And we wrote a group We Belong poem together, too! The DGT folks are lovely, and they have

NCTE & Lost at Sea
Happy Poetry Friday, and welcome to you, no matter how you wandered in! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) First up…NCTE. Will you be there? I will! Now, for Poetry Friday this week, I’m sharing another poem inspired by our Ireland trip. You might remember that a few weeks ago, I mentioned trying to

Oskar’s Voyage Sails in Midwest Book Review
Reviews matter, and a review in a well-respected journal is such an honor. Midwest Book Review journeyed through Oskar’s Voyage recently and concluded: “An original and fun read from start to finish, ‘Oskar’s Voyage’ from the Minnesota Historical Society Press is unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book

Dublin Dinner Cruise, a Set of Pebble Wonder Poems
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I apologize if I didn’t comment on your post last week. I’m having issues logging in to comment when I’m on my phone :>( I’m writing this post on Election Day as I steadfastly try to calm my nerves. The seeming seclusion of the canal

Who Inspired Me to Write Picture Books?
On the surface, Dav Pilkey and I have nothing in common as writers. His work is loud, bold, raucous, funny, and uber-popular! My work tends to be not quite as…well, any of those things! But one of Dav Pilkey’s books switched on a neon light in my head that flashed: I must write picture books!

Bike Tour of Howth
Happy Poetry Friday and welcome, whoever you are! I’m glad you’re here. (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I have a broken toe–what the heck. I have no time for this. And I’m grouchy from no treadmill desk, no gym, etc. I finally went to urgent care after 10 days. It’s broken, but nothing
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Go to my Poetry page for:
- National Poetry Month projects through the years
- Small Reads Roundups (poems grouped by topic)
- Introductions to several favorite poetry forms