Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here. Would you like to suggest a word for one of my poems? I’ve had fun with “winter,” “cymbal,” and “jar” recently! Please click here to suggest a word for me.

I seem to find some of my favorite art in airports. Isn’t it awesome that art in functional spaces can beautify our lives?
This image makes me think of several things:
- prisms
- tree umbrellas (which appear in a picture book I have coming out next year!)
- animals that spend their whole lives in trees and never see this perspective
And here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
NOTE: Thank you for all your beautiful moon poems last week! Once again, I am out on a school visit, so I won’t be able to comment today. But I hope you still enjoy some poem-playing!
57 Responses
Giants pluck trees
for mops.
Why not?
Leaves leaf
a giant’s
floor clean!
Only seeing the world from treetops.…sounds peaceful and a bit tempting.…especially if mango is involved. Nice pic. I love the filters you use!
Fabulous Linda!!!!!
I like that you saw mops
Linda love the giants using trees as mops!
Laura, I love the rhythm of your poem and the perspective. Such fun! I also loved seeing the green on my screen while looking at the results of last night’s snow storm out my window. Quite a contrast! I had two quick winter-related first drafts to share–
White path
white trees
and white roof-peak
Where is this green
of which you speak?
A riot of colors
A tangle of leaves
Hope springs eternal…
but I need to shovel.
I would love to see your white path, but you can have the shoveling.
Oh, sometime I have to write about the ruckus in the night. When the snowplow comes and wakes up the dogs who think we must be being invaded by aliens. It’s especially bad when you have grandchildren sleeping, too. That’s another thing that is good to miss!
“The ruckus in the night”–love that phrase! I can just imagine the scene…
I like both of your poems! Haven’t experienced the first yet this winter. Our snow has been dealt out in small amounts. Able to sweep it instead of shovel it.
Fun and funny! Sorry you have to shovel.….I have a two hour delay for work. One more cuppa coffee for me.
I’m so jealous, Linda. I was crossing my fingers for a delay!
Love that last twist! Cute.
But I need to shovel I love that
Love them both. I can so relate!
Reach for the sun
from a firm foundation.
Best starting point-
a high location!
ooooooh, I love this! What a cool poster this would make for a gym.…in area people stretch.
Love the sounds of firm foundation and high location.
Wonderful advice we all need to here some times
Fabulous poem!
Unless someone like you
sees the kaleidoscope,
follows the prism path,
all will disappear.
(with a nod to Dr. Seuss)
Yes- a kaleidoscope look- it fits this picture perfectly!
Love the Seuss connection!
I also like the Seuss connetion
They DO look like Lorax trees.…well done there.
Laura, you do travel through some fabulous “artsy” airports and thank you for sharing, The pink and black tree trunks took me back to the 50s and the fun of decorating the school gym for prom night. The things we could do with crepe paper!!!
Retrro Prom Night
Gym decorated
student style
local DJ
“white sport coat
pink carnation
dressed for the dance”
Like how you saw the 50 and prom in the pic
Thank you Jessica.
I’d like to jump in and add my poem to your growing collection.
Hello Up High
Who nests in the patches of leaves and sky?
Tiny birds chitter-cheep their reply.
whimsical and fun love it
Love “chitter-cheep!”
I can just hear those tiny birds chitter-cheap. Love this!
What a lovely painting! I’d love to know the artist’s name.
Thanks for the inspiration this morning.
Looking Up
(a poem in two voices)
blue sky
blue sea
floating under
kaleidoscope sun
a tree canopy
love the image of your words
Love the reference to the kaleidoscope.
I saw a cat’s view of a little girl.
Tutu Much
Tutu hovers above
Legs like spindly birches;
“Where’s my lap?”
Her cat searches.
by Donna JT Smith
love that you saw a cat in this pic
Love this photo!
A Tree Can Be (an homage to Laura!)
a leafy cathedral
a sun-shading dome
a woodpecker’s soundpost
a sky-scraping home
Buffy what a beautiful tribute!
Hope you have a wonderful school visit
poem By Jessica Bigi
The Great Mammoth’s
Trunks of silver
Raised skyward
Each gained swish
Leafy sailed crunch
I love how Laura’s weekly pictures take us all in different directions. Isn’t it interesting that things look shorter looking up at them than looking down from them?
Climbing up was fun,
but from way up here
looking down
fills me with fear.
I don’t think I could look down
Love your take on this. I have a fear of heights. I can relate 🙂
Love your perspective!
Hope you have a wonderful school visit
poem By Jessica Bigi
The Great Mammoth’s
Trunks of silver
Raised skyward
Each giant swish
Leafy sailed crunches
I can see a mammoth with tusks as thick as trunks slashing his way through the woods. Powerful image. Love the action in “each giant swish.”
Blankets sky
Wind whips
Leaves fly
Swirling round
Blankets ground
I love your gentle rhymes and leaves as confetti.
Kaleidoscope of colours
Raining down on me
To wash away
all traces of adversity
Anne McKenna
I love your kaleidoscope of colours and positive message.
Great photo and poem.
Tree Watching
Lying on the ground
underneath a tree
I love how the leaves
dance over me.
I love the idea of leaves dancing over you–I can just picture this and it makes me yearn for spring!
Yes I can feel those dancing leaves!
Laura I love your poem! Your airport art is quite the collection. This particular piece is beautiful.
Lucky me
Five eyes to see
This prism speckled canopy
Biz, Buzz exclaimed the bumblebee!
How fun. Love your bee-voice and rhyme.