
What Detroit Knows [Poetry Friday]
Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Well, I missed the Poetry Princess August posting because I was visiting family in Florida for the first time in almost two years! But I love the form they played with: What _ Knows. I wrote this one during and after my 2019

Grandparents Day is September 12 #ClassroomConnections
I always felt a little sad when our girls’ schools had Grandparents Day programs, since they never had any local grandparents. I think any holiday or celebration that happens around certain family members could also use recognition that not all families have someone in that role—and that’s okay! Check out Meet My Family to celebrate

Bs Are a Few of My Favorite Things, and an Uplifting Anthology
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Howdy, friends. This week, I’m sharing an old poem, because it recently found a new little audience. I wrote this spoof in 2009, inspired by Tricia Stohr-Hunt. (More details back here.) Now this poem is included in a new anthology created by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer.

How to Make a Rainbow #ClassroomConnections
When you’re studying colors and/or weather, check out my How to Make a Rainbow. I featured this book at a storytime recently, and the kids had fun identifying some of the objects of each color. Then we did a little motion song to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell.” If you are wearing [green]

Apart But Part
Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) You guys, this has been a rough writing week. Last weekend, I wrote live with my Poetry Sisters, and it was great. Although our challenge, a villanelle around some kind of dichotomy, was tough, I thought I had at least a start on

Welcome, Panther — a Tangled Poem #PoetryFriday
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Well, I thought my life was in sufficient order that I could be a contributing member of Poetry Friday again, but I seem to be lacking! At the end of June, my Poetry Sisters posted tangled poems. That is, found poems that we doodled on.

Freeze-Up #PoetryFriday
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) My sister Patty is visiting this week, and I am SO excited! I haven’t seen her in almost two years! But I really am trying to get back into my PF routine, so I got this post ready before she arrived :>) I borrowed a

Got My Summer Bucket List from a Book! #ClassroomConnections
As time flies faster and faster, sometimes whole seasons seem to disappear in a blur of whirling calendar pages! We’ve just moved, and home is chaotic. But summer is short, and I want to make sure I don’t miss the whole thing. So I’m looking at my book, Lion of the Sky, to identify iconic

Why You Cry When You Read Me [Poetry Friday]
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) You guys, I have so missed you! I hope you’re all well, and I’m excited to start catching up on all I’ve missed over the past month or two. We’re still getting settled in, but I’m going to try picking back up my Poetry Friday

Defining the Seasons #ClassroomConnections
While writing Snowman-Cold=Puddle, I thought about the many different ways seasons are defined, including agriculturally, by temperature, by planetary alignment, etc. Many regions of the world have rainy and dry season instead of our four North American seasons. For me, as a kid and then a teacher, summer always started on the first non-school day,

Bringing Home with You (Books and Moving) #ClassroomConnections
We’ve just moved–third time in five years. I’m exhausted, and I don’t know where anything is! Since I read so many books, I largely rely on library books (and novels are usually on Kindle) to feed my habit. But there are still those owned, physical books that must come with me. They’re old friends. A

An Awesome Production of Clover Kitty from YourClassical Storytime! #ClassroomConnections
Howdy, friends. This never posted last week, and in the busy-ness of moving, I didn’t realize it. So–ta da! Check out this amazing new profession readaloud production of Clover Kitty Goes to Kittygarten! Just click below to watch, or click here to go to its YourClassical Storytime page, where you can scroll down and watch

A Summer Poetry Journal Project #ClassroomConnections
It’s almost the end of the school year, which makes me think of both summer writing projects and What I Did This Summer back-to-school projects. Ugh. Those projects result in boring summaries, in my experience. Wouldn’t it be fun to ask students to pick one small moment each week and write an equation poem or

The Dance of Being Human [Poetry Friday]
Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome, everyone! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) It’s still moving chaos in the Salas household! Today (Thursday), we closed on both our old place and our new place. Now we’re in a hotel nearby this coming week as we get some work done in the new place and do some

National Cancer Survivors Day #ClassroomConnections
Did you know the first Sunday in June is National Cancer Survivors Day? I didn’t, either. But it is. Like just about everyone, my life has been touched by cancer, and an editor friend who is smart and wonderful and compassionate is going through treatment right now. I’m re-sharing this poem from quite a few
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Are You Looking For?
Go to my Poetry page for:
- National Poetry Month projects through the years
- Small Reads Roundups (poems grouped by topic)
- Introductions to several favorite poetry forms