
Happy Retirement to Mary Lee Hahn! #PoetryFriday
Happy Poetry Friday! And, more importantly, happy retirement to Mary Lee Hahn, longtime unofficial leader of our Poetry Friday community. (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I was so tickled to get Irene Latham’s note about honoring Mary Lee today. Here’s how I feel about you, Mary Lee: If I were still a student,

Getting Ready for the End of the School Year #ClassroomConnections
It’s almost the end of the school year, which feels a little hard to believe! Here’s my end-of-year celebration poem from Stampede, which is now out of print. When I read this with kids, I have them stomp their feet and trumpet loudly, like stampeding elephants, at the end of the poem. Does this poem

More Fantastic Student Equation Poems #PoetryFriday
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) PF friends, I can’t remember if I’ve already told you, but we’re moving at the end of this month (still in the Twin Cities), and our home and schedules are buried in boxes and question marks. I am posting some things I still want to

Spring Green! #ClassroomConnections
Here in Minnesota, the world has gone green! And it’s almost time for us to get out our inflatable kayak and hit the water! Spring is an awesome time to look at plants and bodies of water. Check out A Leaf Can Be… and Water Can Be… and all their accompanying resources (just click to

Student Equation Poems #PoetryFriday
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Well, all during April I shared an equation poem daily. (You can see them all here.) Now I’m exhausted :>) Luckily, I have some student poems to share. Back in March, I did several virtual Family Literacy Nights with Lebanon Junction Elementary School in Kentucky.

Keeping It Real for Mother’s and Father’s Day #ClassroomConnections
It’s that time of year when many classes and groups are talking about Mother’s and Father’s Day. And many behind-the-scenes conversations happen around what to have students do who don’t have or aren’t in contact with their mom or dad. Or maybe they have two of one or the other. In a world where the

#EquationPoem 30
It’s my last National Poetry Month post–thank goodness! As much as I love it, I feel like I’ve run a marathon and I’m just barely stumbling over the finish line. April has been incredibly stressful with home hunting and now packing, but I’m so glad I could keep up (barely) with my daily equation poems.

#EquationPoem 29
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

#EquationPoem 28
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

Poetic Pursuits—a Poetry Primer for Teachers and Writers
A while back, I wrote a series of articles about writing poetry. They’re aimed at people who want to write children’s poems, but they’re also very handy for teachers! They’re called Poetic Pursuits, and here’s where you can find them! I cover everything from poetic forms, such as diamantes and poems for two voices, to

#EquationPoem 27
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

#EquationPoem 26
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

#EquationPoem 25
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

#EquationPoem 24
For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting an equation poem each day. Maybe with an image, maybe without. I needed something very accessible and doable this year! Maybe you feel the same way? I’d love for you to join me, and here are several options for sharing your own or your students’ equation poems: in

#EquationPoem 23
Oh my gosh, it’s Poetry Friday. The month is starting to get away from me. We’re prepping for a move–more on that later. Meanwhile, make sure to visit Catherine Flynn for a wonderful draft of a poem of hope in defiance of hate and the Poetry Friday Roundup! For National Poetry Month 2021, I’m posting
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Are You Looking For?
Go to my Poetry page for:
- National Poetry Month projects through the years
- Small Reads Roundups (poems grouped by topic)
- Introductions to several favorite poetry forms