I don’t miss a whole lot about Florida besides family and the beach. But I do miss thunderstorms! There is nothing like a cracking good thunder and dark sky and pounding rain to make me feel cozy and safe as I read or write. And then the flash of lightning to remind me of the power of nature. Sigh. I order my life and make my lists and set my goals. And I accomplish a lot! But one good thunderstorm reminds me that I am not in charge at all and that our world is awesome and fierce and beautiful.
10 Responses
We had a good thunderstorm yesterday. My dog Charlie gets so nervous. He curled up in my lap and wouldn’t move until it passed. Cuddle time with Charlie is something I am thankful for. And summer thunderstorms.
Awwww. That is so sweet, Margaret!
and that overall, it’s best not to be in charge.
You’ve got that right, Jane!
Just had a thunderstorm here. I like them when I’m safe at home. Don’t like them when I’m out driving.
I agree–and I of course don’t want people hurt by storms or anything. But I DO love their fierceness.
I just got done tweeting: yesterday I dropped my phone in a toilet and almost burned my house down. today I’m writing poetry in a thunderstorm, so. things can change.
Ha! I love thunderstorms, and when my husband and I lived in Oregon for three years, we missed them so much. The sizzle of ozone and that cleared up feeling in the air afterward! Yay!
Wow. Hope your week has gotten better, Elissa! Yes, that cleared up feeling. The world scrubbed clean. Sigh…
We got tons of rain in Scotland and reasonably stormy weather, but thunder or lightning was really, really rare… every once in awhile we’d have a crash-bang-gullywasher of a storm, but those were mainly about the wind. I missed California’s weird micro-climates and clashes of hot and warm air, producing thunderheads and wild lightning strikes. The best storm I’ve ever been in was in New Orleans, though, when the lightning was slightly greenish and pink… there’s nothing like a storm in tornado or hurricane country!
Yeah, rain and storms are two different things, right? The train from Maddie’s village shuts down every so often because of winds and high water, as it runs right along the coast near her. Growing up in Florida, I took the green skies and daily thunderstorms for granted. I do miss them. I didn’t know that about California. Funny how I just assume (or at least used to) that everyone’s weather was pretty much like mine, apart from the very obvious snow (or lack of), fall color (or lack of), etc.