I opened a box from Millbrook/Lerner a couple of weeks ago and was delighted to learn that A Leaf Can Be… has been published in Korean, in Korea! I just love the way the text looks! Whee–it’s beautiful! Hardcover and…audio? published by Neungyule Education, Inc. It’s so amazing to think of my words–well, my ideas–reaching across the world with Violeta Dabija’s beautiful art. Couldn’t be happier about this.

11 Responses
Congrats, Laura! Very excited for you 🙂
Thanks, Andrea:>)
Very cool, or (according to google) 아주 멋진
It’s such a pretty written language, isn’t it? Somehow techy and organic at the same time:>) Thanks, Buffy!
Very deserving Laura. Congratulations.
Thank you, Martha!
Congratulations! 🙂
Thanks, Sara!
What a great ideas for leaves to be…Korean. What a compliment to know that the Korean market wanted copies in their language. A beautiful language for sure.
Thank you, Linda. Sending hugs your way…
That’s wonderful, Laura!