One of the science topics I am constantly fascinated by is animal adaptations: how animals’ bodies and behaviors adapt to their environments. My favorite facts from Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle: How Animals Get Ready for Winter (Millbrook, illus by Claudine Gevry) concern Northern wood frogs that freeze solid and earthworms that migrate vertically, just a few inches. Here’s one of the activities from my website.

And while writing Secrets of the Loon (MHSP, photos by Chuck Dayton), I loved learning how loons’ heavy bones support their diving but create challenges for flying. Here’s a downloadable sheet for some movement fun with your students.
Or just play this video during storytime and act like a loon with my family!
[My Classroom Connections posts will share a way to connect one of my books or poems to a classroom topic–often something timely that you might be covering in the next month or so. Please share this post if you have educator friends who might be interested–thanks!]