I’m popping in for a quick Classroom Connections so that you don’t miss hearing about two things.
First up, I was part of a Legit KidLit interview on Saturday morning, and it’s live now! Meet me and three other others! We answered questions about our recent books (I was chatting about Finding Family), drew silly things on top of our heads, and had a fabulous time with hosts Tiffany and Alexis. This YouTube show is geared at teachers, and this particular under-30-minutes episode is an awesome thing to have tucked in your bag of tricks this last couple months of school. It’s the perfect thing to show in your classroom or library when you have a bit of time to fill. Celebrate books and writing process and maybe invite kids to do a little drawing on their head too! Ha! (And if you watch soon, there are giveaways involved!)
Second, I’m excited about a live virtual event later this month! Hop on Zoom, meet 8 authors and illustrators, celebrate 9 new nature picture books, and possibly win a prize! Each creator is giving away either a free, signed, personalized copy of their book or a free 30-minute Zoom. The party is on Tuesday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m. Central Time, and it’s hosted by Red Balloon Books. It should be loads of fun, and I hope you can join us! You can register here for this free virtual event! Here are the book creators you can chat with. It’ll be a lively, one hour event, featuring giveaways, book talks, trivia questions, and Q&A. Join us to celebrate books, the earth, and indie book shops. Here’s who all’s participating:
[My Classroom Connections posts share a way to connect one of my books or poems to a classroom topic–often something timely that you might be covering in the next month or so. Please share this post if you have educator friends who might be interested–thanks!]