Welcome, and happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I’m so happy you’ve dropped by. Whether you’re a regular participant in the Poetry Friday world, or you ended up here from a search or a link, please know that we’re a welcoming community! Read, comment, think, share, and enjoy!
[Leaving this up: I AM going to NCTE-NCTM in Chicago in June. Are you?]
Also, for National Poetry Month, I’m planning to write a skinny poem each day in April that I’m able to. We’ll see how that goes with travel and lots of things planned!
Okey doke, time for another health poem I wrote to submit for the If I Could Choose a Best Day anthology. (Are you tired of them yet?!) I recently shared the one that WAS selected here, “Nobody Remembers.” And I’ve also shared “Taking Care of You“and “I Wish.” This one uses garden metaphors.
It’s interesting. All the health poems I submitted were written in a week, due to various circumstances. Looking back at them, 4–1/2 YEARS after first drafting them, the cliches and problems with the drafts are more obvious. But it’s also kind of fun to just look back, reread, and share here.
And for lots of wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with poet, author, and educator Rose Capelli. Rose has such a gentle presence and is always so encouraging. She tends the world like a loving gardener.
14 Responses
I am not tired of your poems! Thank you for sharing this poem with the ‘grow like sunflowers.’ I just love that image. Recently, I’ve been thinking on an idea shared in a talk about how the word “whole” relates to “holy” and that when we are “whole” including healthy we are more “holy.” It’s an interesting idea to play with…not really a kid poem topic but I was reminded of it from this blog post. Thanks!
Ooh, I’ll have to ponder that. Happy to remind you :>D
Thank you, Laura, not only for your lovely poem but for the unexpected compliment. “If the whole world was healthy” — what a fantastic dream!
Another touching poem, Laura. Love the garden metaphor. Those sunflowers made me think of Ukraine …
it’s so neat to see how many poems the anthology prompted… I am NOT sick of you sharing! I also loved your poem in IF I COULD CHOOSE A BEST DAY. Happy Poetry Friday!
Thanks, Sarah. I love the deep dive in your rock > mermaid poem!
I am enjoying these poems, Laura. I especially love “grow like sunflowers” and the way you circled back to the first line again at the end!
A poem of hope and optimism, Laura. Always a timely injection into this world of ours.
Keep the whole healthy world poems coming! It’s fun to see all the variations on the theme!!
Oh to have health is everything!!! I also love the word “switchgrass.” It’s delightful to say. Have fun at NCTM/NCTE in June. I am not going, but I hope it’s a good conference for you to attend. I’ve recommended it to some writer friends who have math-ish books.
No, not tired of them! I LOVE this one. It really grabbed me.
“Like sunflowers and
sweet corn and
waving wildly in the wind.”
It evokes freedom and abandon — freedom found in health, in the things we can take for granted, and it makes me feel the longing for such freedom when it’s not there.
Abandon–yes. Perfect.
Such an inspiring poem Laura, I could read it over and over, it makes you feel so good, lovely image too, thanks!
Laura, good health is a gift. Thank you for the poem. Growing with the sun under the sun’s canopy is a needed wish.