Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

Hello, writer and educator friends. My life grows ever more intense (I really didn’t think that was possible), and I miss you guys!
When Randy and I were at the airport a couple of weeks ago to meet Maddie as she came home to visit from Scotland, a traveler sat down at the piano (as invited by signage) and played something. I could barely hear the music, but the notes floated by in a lovely counterpoint to the announcements about not leaving bags unattended, etc. Despite some very hard moments this summer, I also have a whole collection of wonderful ones. Moments when family, or friends, or even strangers went out of their way to make the world, my world, our world, a more wonderful place. This image makes me think of:
- Charlotte’s Web (though I couldn’t tell you why)
- that feeling of being underwater…sort of separate from the world
- being lost in music or art
And here’s my first draft. It doesn’t work at all without the image, and I feel like my poems this summer have all been so heavy and un-kid-friendly. But…that’s what is coming out. It is what it is.
Blanket statement for July/August. Hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Mine is overwhelmingly busy and emotional. When you Comment, I get an email, and I will be doing my best to read every poem you guys write. But my availability over the summer to comment on each poem will be limited. I hope you’ll write because you love it and enjoy this community. Please know I value your participation, even if I am not able to respond much this month.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count)
21 Responses
Amid the bustle
and the rush,
he played a song
that brought a hush.
That’s the same thought I had about this image. Stop and take notice.
Similar thoughts abound this morning Cindy. Good rhythm and rhyme.
I feel the need to give you a hug. Wish I could do it in person. I just want to let you and everyone here know that I am safe. There has been historic flooding in South Louisiana, but our house escaped by the hair of its chinny chin chin. So in my gratitude I want to write a poem.
Piano Man
He played
only a moment–
this is all
we need to change
a mood.
Oh Margaret, so happy for you, but sending thoughts and prayers for all of those who are suffering. Such a tragedy in LA. Your poem says it all. Just a seed of hope will begin a rebirth.
Margaret, good news about your flood surviving. What an ordeal it as been for so many. Dry wishes & energy for everything.
So glad to hear that you and your house are fine! It’s going to be a long road for your community…
Margaret, very glad for you that your house escaped. Horrible to see and hear about that flood on TV.
Laura, your thoughts on this image are perfect. Continued good wishes headed your way and a big shout out to you for your continued efforts on our behalf.
Midas in Charge
Spot o’ gold
‘mid black and white
tunes the earth
makes all things right.
Lovely This makes me think of how music unites us all ’round the world.
Play it again
After his dulcet notes
my feet
-jan godown annino
Appreciations for this beautiful image & prompt, Laura.
Hugs to you.
Jan, love the “dulcet notes.”
Oops! Not sure why the response said anonymous. Martha O’Quinn here!
Hey there Martha. Keyboards are wonky for me so much! Appreciations for your sweet words. I’m eager to look at all the others.
I’m so glad that the wonderful moments of the summer are playing counterpoint to the difficult ones, Laura. I’ve been thinking of you.
Musicians in the Marsh
Rising from the still space
between cattails
and lilies
a note
a trill
a song
Buffy, hearing a note, trill and song from still space makes for beautiful music.
Best wishes, Laura, for getting through everything.
Your pictures often look like works of art. This one especially looks like a painting.
Flight Delays
Soothing music fills a need
for frustrations to recede;
pleasing our ears,
relaxing our fears.
Good therapy Pat. I don’t fly often these days but frustrations and fears are definitely a part of the journey.
Love your poem, Laura, and the mood of this picture — the gift of time stopping to listen. Beautiful poems here today. You all make my Thursdays special.
When the music stopped
no one moved.
Just for a moment
strangers were friends.
Especially loving your poems this week, friends. And, Margaret, SO glad for you that your house and family are safe!
Loves Song
You spoke
I lessoned
timeless word
note- voices
into sky pages
life’s songs