Happy Poetry Friday and welcome, whoever you are! I’m glad you’re here. (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
I have a broken toe–what the heck. I have no time for this. And I’m grouchy from no treadmill desk, no gym, etc. I finally went to urgent care after 10 days. It’s broken, but nothing to really do about it. I’m hobbling around in a Bigfoot shoe that will hopefully protect me from further clumsiness and allow me to try bits of treadmill, gym, etc. SO glad this didn’t happen before or during our Ireland trip.
Speaking of Ireland, I’m planning to share pics from my Ireland trip and a poem draft for the next several weeks. For this one, I was inspired by the e‑bike tour we took of the Howth Peninsula on the Irish coast.
Mostly, the weather was fine in Ireland, but lots of brisk, misty, overcast days, of course. But the two days we were specifically seeing beautiful things outside, it was gorgeous! Sunny, blue skies, and temps in the upper 50s. Couldn’t have been better. This was one of my favorite days in Ireland.
I wanted to try a This That poem, which I saw in this Instagram post from Danna Smith. I’ve just got a quick draft here.
Patricia Franz, fresh off her joyous and busy Year of Weddings, is rounding us up this week. Here’s the Poetry Friday Roundup!
10 Responses
Love seeing your photos from the e‑bike trip to Howth. Beautiful! I’m so glad you had some beautiful sunny days- the scenery in Ireland is gorgeous. We didn’t make it to Howth but there’s always next trip! Fun poem too!
I’ll have to try a This That poem. Love “This syrup of sun/That deep breath unscramble”
I loved all your sharing from the trip and this poem brings another memory, one special time, a sunny day together. It’s lovely, Laura!
Oh gosh, Laura! A broken toe! I’m so sorry — I know how hard it must be to be slowed down. Here’s hoping you find a way to embrace the slowdown while it heals.
I love the ThisThat form — and your “syrup of sun.” What a beautiful way to memorialize your day. You got pristine skies, though I did notice the ear/headbands. As a cyclist, it’s a sure giveaway about the temp! But 50’s in Ireland! Whoop! Perfect!
I, too, love “this syrup of sun” and also “this cracked-open world.” Sorry to hear about your toe and frustration! I have broken my little toes and my big toes before. Comfrey cream can be helpful. xo
Thank you for sharing your trip, Laura! I can’t wait to hear more. I love the metaphor in your this-that poem – a new form to me. That rocky green finger and syrup of sun. Beautiful!
Your trip looked glorious. I admit I was envious but I do not envy a broken toe. Ouch! I like the new form. It’s one I should try with my kiddos.
I, too, have been reliving our trip to Scotland through poetry (and also painting and fabric). There’s no time in the moment for this kind of processing (silly me, I took a sketch journal!). Thank you for taking us along to Ireland, and for a fabulous this/that mentor text.
oooooh! A ‘This, That,’ poem. That sounds fun…and you make it inviting with your oops! and your syrup sun. And, I cannot help but falling for that ‘cracked-open world.’ Bravo!
I like the “this/that” structure and your beautiful pictures. So sorry about your toe. I’m glad you have way to protect it though. I broke my foot in high school in SE Asia–where you don’t wear shoes inside anywhere and flipflops outside. It hurt for a long, long time because I didn’t protect it.