Whoo! It’s getting tough as the month winds down. I have a worm picture I’m trying to write a poem to, but I’m just not there yet. So here’s today’s #wonderbreak. [Want to learn more or join in by sharing your own poems about joyful things using the #wonderbreak hashtag?]
I was at Sand Point Park in Titusville, FL, on Sunday morning with my dad and one of my sisters. This little experimental aircraft flew overhead, motor droning. I confess my first thought is usually, “Fools!” But that’s more about my anxiety over flying (or, actually, crashing) than it is about the explorer overhead. From test pilots to shuttle astronauts, humans are always pushing the boundaries. And while I may think some of them are crazy for doing it, I reap the benefits. Like being able to get to Florida in a 3‑hour flight instead of a 24-hour drive. So, today I’m celebrating all the crazy explorers I typically take for granted.