Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
Whee! My blog MIGHT be receiving comments. If you’re willing, would you try commenting? It could be very brief! Thanks :>) I’ve really missed comments the past couple of weeks. [Note: If you get an error message, no worries. I’ll know the problem still exists.]
I’ve been feeling an urge to start writing some poetryactions again. I wrote a bunch back in…2014–2016, I guess. You can see them here. They’re basically just me reading a book and writing a poem related to something about the book. I’m now adding a little writing prompt that teachers/poets can use, with my poem as a mentor text.
I loved reading The Big Leaf Leap, by Molly Beth Griffin and Meleck Davis, even though it’s winter, not fall. And here in Minnesota, it’s winter! I think it’s fun to think about your favorite season when you’re not actually IN it :>)
And for lots of wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with poet-educator Susan at Chicken Spaghetti! She always has such cool stuff to share.
21 Responses
Yay! Thanks!
I love that poem; it’s so evocative of fall, and makes me want to rewind to October. Thanks for the kind words!
What a great idea to use a book to spark an idea for a poem. Thanks, Laura. I love Fall and was happy to revisit it with you today.
Love the idea, Laura, & your poem reminder of fall. It is my favorite season. I’ll see about a poem when I’m more awake tomorrow! Terrific about the comments! : )
Yay for the return of your comments and these poetryactions! I adore that “scarlet spin”! xo
I love the concept of your poetry actions, Laura. This one is deceptively simple yet meaningful. The prompt is helpful, too!
Oops. poetryactions!
What fun! Thanks, Laura. I always enjoy reading your poetry posts 🙂
The sensory details in your poem bring fall alive–the smells, the colors, the clouds of mittens. At the end I believe that is enough. Well done, Laura.
Laura, I think your poetry action is going to help students find their voice. Thanks for sharing this work.
Yeah, the comment was published. I shared your work on Twitter.
Thanks on both counts, Carol!
I really like the idea of responding to a picture book (or any book I guess) in poetry. Your Fall poem is charming and captures some of my favorite aspects of the season. It’s odd how far past this last fall already seems! Yay for comments working again!!!
I love the poetry action–I have sometimes responded to a book with poetry. Your fall poem is so cozy–I hope the world has plenty of all these.
Thanks for the poetry prompt. I’m always on the look out for these. Your poem is fun and full of movement. Thanks!
Poetry actions! What fun! I love thinking about “the tang of apples in my mug.”
Hooray for comments and hooray for your sweet fall poem. Such a great idea to write poems in response to books…and to invite kids to do the same!
Thanks, Laura, for sharing your fall poem and prompt. I hope many teachers take advantage of your suggestions. Using the senses to describe our seasons will be a fun adventure for students! I will take up the prompt sometime this week — like your Minnesota, Wisconsin is covered in snow right now!
Love “scarlet spin of leaves” — and I loved going back through the poem to think about which of my five senses was being engaged. Joyous!
The mug! The mittens! What a cozy poem of gratitude, Laura.