Welcome, and happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) I’m so happy you’ve dropped by. Whether you’re a regular participant in the Poetry Friday world, or you ended up here from a search or a link, please know that we’re a welcoming community! Read, comment, think, share, and enjoy!
It’s been another busy week! My daughter and new son-in-law, Maddie and Jesse, held their Minnesota wedding reception on Saturday. My sister Patty and her husband flew up from Florida and stayed with us for the long weekend. There were many gatherings, games, meals, and laughs. Here are just a few pics. (The official wedding in AZ pics are gorgeous–hope to share one with you next week!)
And now for poetry. I’m sharing another If/health poem I wrote to submit for the If I Could Choose a Best Day anthology (such a gorgeous book–get it now!). It’s one of the 7 UNselected poems I wrote. I recently shared the one that WAS selected here, “Nobody Remembers.” And last week I shared “Taking Care of You.” Here’s another one. Again, I was thinking of my older daughter, who takes more than 20 medications daily. I know she’d much rather have horses and gingersnaps…
Poetry is such a good home for our longings and wishes…
And for lots of wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with Janice Scully. She always has such thoughtful posts.
3 Responses
The pictures are lovely! So happy for your family. I love acrostics and yours is a special one we can all relate to. Hugs to your daughter. xo
Oh such a true wish. Especially now. Thank you. And so many congratulations to your growing family! The joy and fun shine out from these pics. xo
You have a lovely family and what a joyful weekend! Congratulations! Oh, if everyone could be healthy and all medicine could disappear! I like that!