Hi teachers! Here’s one more poem from my new 30 Painless Classroom Poems book, A Need to Feed: Poems of Predators and Prey. This is the last one I’m sharing–at least for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed them!
Note: Lionesses do most of the hunting for a pride of lions. They usually hunt in groups at night, fanning out in the darkness of the African plains. They work together to round up and capture zebras, antelopes, and other animals.
A Note from the Poet:
“Girrrrrrl power” is my favorite part of this poem. Puns and wordplay rock! This phrase works because it’s the female of the species that hunts, and also because the rrrrrrr sounds like a growl, like the noise a lioness makes. So it works on two different levels.

8 Responses
?Girrrrrrl power” indeed! I also like that the acrostic spells out cat women. Did you watch videos or read from sources you’d recommend for this series? I’m sure lots of research was needed. This collection should appeal to girls and boys. Well done.
Thanks, Linda–I do love acrostics. In the book, I listed a lot of the sources I used, including a lot of videos. National Geographic (no surprise) was a major source of great info :>)
?Girrrrrrl power” indeed! I also like that the acrostic spells out cat women. Did you watch videos or read from sources you’d recommend for this series? I’m sure lots of research was needed. This collection should appeal to girls and boys. Well done.
Thanks, Linda–I do love acrostics. In the book, I listed a lot of the sources I used, including a lot of videos. National Geographic (no surprise) was a major source of great info :>)
This is terrrrrific, Laura! Can’t wait to share with my animal-loving 3rd graders!
Thanks, Catherine–hope they like it!
This is terrrrrific, Laura! Can’t wait to share with my animal-loving 3rd graders!
Thanks, Catherine–hope they like it!