Hello! We’re more than halfway through National Poetry Month, and I hope you’re having a splendid celebration! I’m happy you’re here — this is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here)!
Here’s my next pic taken in March on the way home from South Bend, IN to Minneapolis, MN.

This image makes me think of:
- neon lightning
- being trapped under the ice (is it Damien Omen II with that chilling scene?)
- the way everything looks fuzzy in extreme heat
This week, I did write about one of my first thoughts–what ice skaters overhead must look like to fish below the frozen surface of the lake. Here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count)
28 Responses
Sky of diamond shards
Silver threaded clouds
Blazing ruby sun
Protected by lasers of blindness
I Love the s sounds in your poem
Oooh, that second line especially captures me, Amelia. Beautiful!
Laura I love this pic and s sounds in your poem
Northern Lights
grandmothers mittens
unravel like strings
of neon confetti
emulating Artic skies
Poem By Jessica Bigi
Thanks, Jessica. “strings of neon confetti” — love that! And as I have unraveled some things recently, it’s especially close to home:>)
This is amazing, Jessica!
Wonderful picture Laura. Your version of ice skaters viewed from below is vivid and caused me to shiver from the thought of ice cracking and the inevitable.
The Tube
Dawn to dusk
day by day
we traverse
our private concourse
in Technicolor.
Life’s kaleidoscope!
Ah, this is so interesting, Martha, because first I assumed you were talking about television, and I think you pry were. But then, as I typed an answer about the boob tube, I realized this also could describe the subway, or the Tube, if you live in London. It’s an ambidextrous poem!
OMGoodness Laura. You are right. Actually, that never crossed my mind but it should have. The concourse in the picture just reminded me of a large tube, not unlike a Kaleidoscope, Thanks for the info. Btw, I am physically ambidextrous! 😉
Sheesh–and I didn’t even think of a literal tube. I thought you were being metaphorical. Ha! I feel like I need a sign over my head: When poets think too hard. 😀
I love the last for line wonderful ending
I do not know why, but I had only a few words for this
one. I stretched it with the two extra words to begin and end…
Divergence of beams
Convergence of seams
Conveyance of dreams
Donna JT Smith, all rights reserved
Oh, that is lovely, Donna! I don’t think you ever have to worry about having too few words, especially when they’re just right words like these.
love the reputation of the word how they sound tougher this is wonderful
I really like the first and last words.
String art takes on
A new dimension
For originality and
A sense of adventure
To impart
Anne McKenna
Aw, this brings back string art memories from the 70s. Thank you, Anne!
w3e had a ship like this haf done in our aticke that one of my sibling must of started working on I love that you saw string art in this pic
Perhaps there’s some mystery here. I couldn’t help but wonder about it this morning. Can poets be spies?
Laura is in
the airport again.
Where is she going,
this poet
with a camera?
—Kate Coombs
Heehee–while going through paper clippings recently and converting them all to OneNote, I came across several postcards and notes from the Spy Museum in Washington, DC. I had fun pondering a few of the famous people who spied for the U.S. I think a poet or any writer probably IS a bit like a spy. What do you say, Kate–do we need a secret handshake?
Definitely! 🙂
it’s a mystery 🙂 Love this poem
Screen is woozy
bumpy road is
not good newsy.
love all the y ending words together
Love the fishy POV, Laura, especially the icy sky!
Over the Stream at Sunrise
spider casts her line
from branch to branch
trapping sunbeams
with silken threads
Ah…spring just came to life in your poem, Buffy!
I love the contrails left by your flying skates, laura!
Here’s mine. A happy memory from traveling with my mom:
Chicago O’Hare
Cup of coffee given
and taken as mother
and daughter pass on
opposite moving sidewalks.
What a great image–like ships that cross in the night:>)