Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
Well, my Poetry Month efforts fell a little short this year. I am feeling kind of glum about that, but trying to just celebrate the effort, the process (more about my writing fail here). In that vein, I’m sharing a roundup of the haiku I wrote last month so that the whole list is gathered here in one place. You can scroll through the whole month’s worth here (they’ll appear in reverse order, but that doesn’t really matter) or choose individual days to read below.
For today’s Poetry Friday poem, I’m hoping you’ll choose just one first line that intrigues you and click through to read the haiku. Thanks!

Day 6: Headline shouts, “ENOUGH!”
Day 8: white-haired man tries to
Day 9: spin-out’s finished, but
Day 10: Joyce summons spring with
Day 12: stars, gas spin through space
Day 12 (oops): headlights slice darkness
Day 14: sky yells, “Pillow fight!”
Day 15: Before the news breaks,
Day 18: fresh green fiddlehead
Day 26: Forget charts and rules
And for lots of wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with Rebecca at Sloth Reads!
18 Responses
Thanks for posting your haiku round up. I really enjoyed so many of them 🙂
Thank you, Kimberly. I really appreciated your comments and shares throughout the month:>)
Laura, Since I am designing my Sense-sational Spring Gallery I checked out Day 2 and 3 and was delighted with your NPM project. I will read more this weekend because I have a literacy event tomorrow that I need to prepare for. Will you send me one or more offerings for my gallery? I do like Day 2’s haiku.
Thanks, Carol–I emailed you one this morning. Hope your event went fabulously!
I read several, Laura, and picked #5 as my favorite out of the ones I read. I like the “shape” you used with the words. When I was a kid, I loved that pause at the top of the giant playground swings… but not in the amusement rides.
Thank you, Alice, for reading and commenting. That was a fun one to write:>)
My poetry month goals fell short as well. I had all these wonderful plans…and then I didn’t write a single line in April! I guess I just needed a breather (but what a month for me to take a break–sheesh!) I clicked on you Day 5 “The pause at the top” and it just put a smile on my face. Sometimes I fall into a rut with haiku (and certain other forms) that the poems need to be somber and contemplative. I absolutely love how whimsical and fun your haiku was. Fantastic and thank you for giving me a smile.
Thank you, Rebecca, for your kind words and for sharing. It’s hard when we fall short, but…not the end of the world, right? The wonderful thing about poems is that they are always waiting for us, there when we are ready to magic them into being. Hugs on your writing-free April, Rebecca. I’m sure plenty more poems are coming:>)
I wrote the haiku for the month, too, hoping that what I wrote took me to that special day, as yours do I’m sure, Laura. I remember your trip, love that “plane of strangers”.
Thanks, Linda. I wish that had been my goal from the start instead of “try to write amazing haiku!” I should have just cherished preserving the special moments from the get-go. Congrats on your haiku!
I couldn’t stop at just one! I love the sky’s pillow fight. I love the photo of all the poems on the cabinet door.
Thank you, Kay! I appreciate that–and I do like that photo, too. Makes it look like a bigger accomplishment that what it felt like–hehe!
Hi Laura, I stopped at Before the news breaks.…the news keeps ME glum. You are right to celebrate what you did accomplish. I have to say that April stressed me out. I felt like I couldn’t keep up and wasn’t “good enough” with what I did manage to write. I had a good right temper tantrum about this with my writing group. Alas, I set my goals a touch out of reach.…and tend to compare myself to others more than I should. You are amazing in what you’ve accomplished as a writer/artists. The larger picture is of a very productive person! I’ll celebrate with you.
Thanks, Linda! I’m so sorry April ended up being stressful to you. Sounds like you felt exactly like I did. Glad you could vent to your writing group:>) Thank you for your kind words. May you be as compassionate to yourself as you are to me!
I’m a “quality over quantity” writer myself (or at least that’s what I keep telling myself to excuse my low word counts.…), so as long as you’re creating work that makes you happy, that’s all that matters in the end! 😉
I reread all your haikus and came up with 7 that stand out for me: Day 29, Day 25, Day 18- I love the last line in this one,“one new note unfurls,” Day 17–your “busy wings” take me right into this one along with all the alliteration. Day 16–poor “geese,” Day 12, Day 7–beautiful and soulful, thanks for this rich treasure of haikus Laura!
Wow, thank you for rereading and picking out the bits that really spoke to you. That is so valuable, both emotionally and practically (from a poetry-learning standpoint, I mean).
Day 8 and Day 25 gave me the feels, but in very different ways. Thanks, Laura.