Welcome to 15 Words or Less Poems Day! Are you ready to wake up your poetry brains with our weekly exercise (guidelines here)?

Here’s a picture from my basement clean-out. I’m gathering lots of arts & craft supplies into a pile to give to my daughter and/or niece. This image makes me think of:
- bottle-cleaning brushes
- sea anemone
- earthworms (shudder)
And, here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count:>) Leave your poem in the comments if you would like to, and feel free to respond kindly to each others’ poems. I am in the midst of a technology superstorm and won’t be able to respond this week:>/
23 Responses
Reaching out for the fun
Let’s play with everyone!
Bend, twist, recreate
New favorite playmate.
this is wonderful
Fun poem!
Three cheers for pipe cleaners Amelia! Fitting description.
button face
bendy arms
button hands
bendy lags
button shoes
tinny fingers
creating with
poem by Jessica Bigi
I like the “bendy” arms and legs.
All that and more Jessica. No end to bending.
I want to have a poodle pup.
But Mom says no,
’cause they grow up.
wonderful imagination I love that you saw a poodle we had a toy one named Brandy when I was little
I like your image Cindy. I can see that in a child’s picture book.
Good morning Laura. Your creativity is alive and well this morning. I can see a chicklet. I look forward to reading the posts of other subscribers.
Bottle brushes
missing end bristles
embarrassed and forlorn
no help to newborn.
“Scratches not allowed.”
PS — white “Peeps” instead of yellow? 😉
One of these days I’m going to get the title to drop below the profile pic space along with the words of the poem. Laura, your poem today is perfect. Wow!
Pipe Cleaners’ Lament
Ready for the wedding
I’d rather
be in kindergarten.
—Kate Coombs
So sweet Kate. Love it.
Your poem brought a smile today, Laura. Good imagination!
My first thought was a memory of an old fashioned string mop that was used with a bucket of water to slop around the floor. Thank goodness for swiffers today.
Floor is dirty.
Grab the mop.
Move that bucket!
Oops! Kerplop!
Pat, I can see a modern day mop made out of the new micro-fiber strings. Although I don’t care for the micro-fibers for the most part. They don’t absorb quickly enough for me. Dittos for Swiffers.
I love “In the Nest,” Laura–especially that final stanza!!
In My Recycling Bin
Here’s a body,
there’s a head.
Stick on eyes,
twist two legs.
Snip. Glue. Paint.
You’ve got it Buffy. Pipe cleaners are like paper clips and other “mundane” necessities. Wish I had thought of them first.
Snip. Glue. Paint. Love those snappy single syllables and making stuff from the recycling bin.
So much creativity and imagination (all of you).
Solar System
Lots of
Tube of glue
Pipe cleaners
(Just a few!)
Sunday school
art supplies
glitter, glue,
Jesus in the manger
pipe cleaner sheep.
Pipe cleaners
that have never cleaned a pipe,
white as winter’s first snow.
Hi Laura,
My 3rd graders LOVED this 15 WOL. Rather than sending their poems to you in the comments. I will e‑mail them to you later today. We spent lots of time on revision this morning and have some pretty great work!