Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

A couple of weeks ago, Randy and I attended the Youth in Music marching band show at the new Vikings stadium downtown. (Awesome show, but what’s with no treats at the concession stand?) On our way back to the car, we passed a large neon-trimmed Viking ship. Just like the old days:>) This image makes me think of several things:
- A cool violin
- A shooting star
- Jet contrails made of neon
And here’s my first draft. I played violin when I was little. In fact, one of my few moments of glory was a picture in the local newspaper of me in 2nd grade at a school concert. I’m sure my violin did plenty of hissing and screeching:>)
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count)
18 Responses
Laura I love this pic and a lot of the word you used in your poem and the image of violins
poem By Jessica Bigi
waves of stars
rise misty
eliminating Sky ships
night sails
we call conations
I love the waves of stars, Jessica, and that they are illuminating sky ships. Wonderful imagery!
Laura I love this pic and a lot of the word you used in your poem and the image of violins
poem By Jessica Bigi
waves of stars
rise misty
eliminating Sky ships
night sails
we call constellations
Love your blending of sky and sea. Imaginative images as always, Jessica.
I enjoyed the sounds in your poem, Laura.
By Starlight
Bioluminescence at the bow -
winds driving our ship
where neon waters part.
Lauren I Love the image of neon water thank you for you encouraging words
Better the sounds of the poem than the sounds of the violin when I was nervous! What a beautiful, calm-but-somehow-epic-feeling image you’ve created here. Lovely.
Good morning Laura. Another hunting expedition, hunting for 15 WOL that is. Nothing in my E‑mail this morning so I again went to your website. Speaking of “hunting,” your picture reminds me of the upcoming holiday. I certainly see the head, beak and wattle!
November Ruse
Tried all tricks
to avoid a turkey platter;
maybe it’s time
to swallow neon matter.
Marths Love the saw a turkey like the first 2 lines
Thanks, Martha–I have several things to check on for the email notification problem. I’m so irritated about it! And yes–I totally did not see the turkey…and now it seems so obvious. Good luck to your platter-fearing turkey:>)
Oh I felt the tension of that nightmare!
No email for me today either. Here’s a riddle that needs a few more lines for a single answer…
I Am Not a Ship or Plane
My paddles churn
beneath the lake.
I rise above,
you follow in my wake.
I love paddleboats–is that what this is? Or more like a hydroplane (I don’t know how those work, so not sure if it applies). OK, I’m hooked. More lines, please. Or the answer:>)
Still in progress, but since you asked, here are more lines with 3 possible endings:
I Am Not a Ship or Plane
My paddles churn
beneath the lake.
We stay in line.
I track your wake,
then rise through mist
and honk my horn.
We form a Vee, while feathered Vee’s
then break for corn./this feathered morn. inscribe the morn.
Oh, my. Gorgeous! And one of my favorite animals and autumn sights. Thanks, Buffy:>) “rise through mist” — love that
Slicing through sky
Battling old foes
Conquering new scapes
Oooh, love your verbs in this one, and the /sk/ sounds!
Love violin music! But, maybe not the kind in your poem. 🙂
Mama bird
stretches to see.
Just as she feared,
she doesn’t flee.
Aw…go, mama bird!