Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
On Wednesday, I shared a bit about the Minnesota Book Awards event last week. Finding Family didn’t win, but it was a wonderful night! I also shared this poem as I thought about my Minnesota kidlit community.
But the poem applies equally–probably moreso–to this Poetry Friday community. As an introvert, I “see” y’all more regularly than I see other Minnesota creators :>D And to top it off, I wrote this about a Zoom group I was in (with several other PF folks–eta hence the “circle of squares” and “virtual bubble”) exploring Julia Cameron’s Artist’s Way (again, after having done it 25 years ago). Irene Latham was our thoughtful facilitator. Thank you, Irene! So, here’s to us, this lovely Poetry Friday community.
Also, it’s funny that the ending is about being enough. I’ve been signing Finding Family with, “This moment is enough…” recently.
Make sure to stop by Patricia Franz’ Reverie for the Poetry Friday Roundup !
22 Responses
I’m so glad you had find. Being nominated is a big deal, too! I was so in awe when I first met you, Laura. You may not remember but I still do, at NCTE long ago. You were a star to me, then, still are. When I try to explain the community, some people do not understand how we, all over the “globe” are kin to something big, something we share and love and feel as if we are good friends. Yes, “here together/we are enough.” It’s a beautiful sentiment of the best feeling!
I do remember, Linda. That drinks night at some restaurant/bar (I don’t even recall which city) where about 10 of us gathered. It was kind of magical, meeting in person names I knew only online. And feeling such acceptance and welcome from you and others the very first time I met you! Honestly, this Poetry Friday community is sort of my people fix. It keeps me in touch with people who I care about. Helps me tap into my emotions about friends. I don’t have many real-life friends and am an introvert. So this community is really one of my strong connections to the world! And whenever I hear something about Denver/CO, I immediately think of you. I think this group has made the people of far away so much more real to me, if that makes sense…xo
I love your sweet reply, & I don’t know how I wrote ‘find’, of course I meant “fun”! Wishing you a lovely week ahead, Laura!
Laura, our thoughts are in the same place this week as I reflected on being a part of something larger. This PF community is certainly one of those spaces! Your poem is perfect.
Your seedling poem is wonderful, Patricia. And as I read your post, I pondered how lovely and welcome your opening is, especially for folks who might be just dipping their toe into the PF pond to check out the water. I think I need to revise my own opening to be more expansive and welcoming. You’re a lovely model of that.
Ah, Laura, what a beautiful poem. Thank you! A love the image behind of the bubble, fairy ring, globe. Some of my favorite lines are “a galaxy viewed through / letters and feathers and fabrics” Yes, “this moment is enough.”
Thank you, Denise. If I remember correctly (lord knows I might not!), the letters and feathers and fabrics was all about Linda Mitchell’s wonderful collage art!
What a variety of perfect metaphors! (I love the wink and nod to Irene’s nests!) I, too, am thankful for this Poetry Friday Community!
Thanks, Mary Lee. I think I worked in words and lines specific to the various writings and other art forms folks in the group happened to be doing at that time. It’s all a watercolor swirly blur now, but the feeling remains in me :>)
Love “a galaxy viewed through letters and feathers and fabrics” and all the other metaphors as well. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this wonderful community many years ago at NCTE. Your encouragement made all the difference.
THanks, Rose. And YOU have made all the difference. You’re such a vital and generous part of the PF community!
I love that you wrote this for our artist’s way group–and that you’re sharing it again!
Thanks, Buffy. I meant to share it here ages ago, and never got around to it. But this felt like just the right tie :>) That was an awesome group.
And here’s another textural metaphor of yours, “It’s all a watercolor swirly blur now,” lovely. And another “fragile and shimmering and strong” Thanks for sharing and caring deeply Laura—I’m so happy to be part of the Poetry Friday Community, and look forward to it and all we share! xox
I love the sound of “a globe exposed.”
Thanks, Marcie!
This poem is a dear blooming bubble from our Artist’s Way group. I miss that time. I often wear a word bracelet “enough” to remind myself I am enough.
It’s funny, the word “enough,” in several different meanings, has been on my mind a lot lately!
This is beautiful…I saw this on social media this weekend and tried to get to your blog by the linky button. That button would NOT bring me to your blog so I had to take matters into my own fingers and just come straight to your blog. What a community we are. I love it. I feel so at home and benefit tremendously of being able to join the circle. A beautiful poem.
Oh, my gosh, so much serendipity in this week’s PF posts! ❤️ (My post, before sharing a Naomi Shihab Nye poem, ends with, “This. This is enough.”) I love the line:
“fragile and shimmering and strong” — Yes!
Thanks for this, Laura. I feel exactly the same way about the Poetry Friday community.
WE are better for knowing YOU and reading your words, Laura. Poetry Friday is the best for ‘keeping the beasts of doubt at bay’. 🙂