Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome, whether you’re an OG PFer or here for the first time! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
Before I forget, here are a few under-a-minute vids of the trip Kayla Harren and I took to Duluth, promoting Oskar’s Voyage. So much more fun to do unpaid and exhausting promo trips at least with a fun travel companion!
It’s been an emotional last month! I got to visit all my sisters in Florida, and as one sister is retiring overseas this week, it’s a real possibility that it’s the last time all four of us will be together in one spot.
I’ve also been doing lots of pondering on my writing career–how I feel about it, what I can do to strengthen it, how I want to grow as a writer, and more. It’s scary and a bit overwhelming right now.
On a happier note, I have a book coming out August 1! I even have a book page about it. It’s about vulnerability, imperfection, and the treasures a library offers. I’m hoping it will find readers! Please pre-order or share the news if you feel inclined–thank you!
This week, I’m sharing a poetryaction–a poem in reaction to a book. The book is Sweet Dreamers, and it’s a beautiful meditation on the ways different animals sleep. (You can see all my poetryactions here.) Enjoy the draft :>
And for lots of wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with Robyn Hood Black, the creator of so many beautiful things!
16 Responses
HI Laura, I love seeing Oskar everywhere, and on the boat itself is the best! Your trip looks like lots of fun! And, your life is busy enough and now your sharing about a self-eval, all the questions, maybe also drawn from that reunion with your sisters. Living far apart from family means hard choices sometimes, I know. It’s just not the same as “down the street”. Congrats on the new book coming out. You know I loved it, will remember to share on its ‘birthday’! Thanks also for that dream book & your lovely poem, which is nice to imagine those ‘your’ dreams in the midst of what I imagine with other animals. Thanks for all!
Thank YOU, Linda, for all your good thoughts and encouragement. xoxo, Laura
Laura, thank you for sharing your fun videos of your Oskar adventures with Kayla and the stuffed animal Oskar. I’m happy for your sisters and you that all of you were together. That’s great to take time to think about your writing career, how to strengthen it, how to grow as a writer, and to weigh your feelings. Congratulations on your new book Line Leads the Way and the great reviews about it. I enjoyed your background on how and why you came to write Line Leads the Way. It seems like a much-needed book. I particularly like the illustration of the hug Line receives from his family and the line in the book how Line leaves a little of himself behind. Nice poetry action with the rhyme, alliteration, and consonance. I especially like how “The moon peeks…and creeps into silver dreams.” Thank you for the inspiration. I’m going to write a poem about how I love all the different sleep positions our new ten-month-old kittens sleep in, especially when they curl up together in sleep. They are a bonded brother and sister-crazy, cute, loving, and constant source of entertainment.
Oh my gosh, Gail. Kittens (and puppies) sleeping are just the most adorable! Thanks for all your lovely comments. That art of Line hugging his family goodbye is one of my favorites. I think of me hugging my Florida family when I left, emigrants leaving their families, me hugging our daughters when they moved overseas or out of state, etc. A little piece of me always stays with my loved ones…Thank you, Gail, for all the lovely thoughts!
What a grand voyage Oskar has taken you on! I can’t wait to read Line leads the Way. You are always working so hard. I hope you get a break soon. I love your Poetry Action poem. I have a new puppy and he sleeps on his back. It’s the cutest thing ever!
Your new puppy is adorable–I’ve seen y’all on social. Thanks, Margaret. I’m feeling tired from so much work. I feel like I need a year off! Glad your pup is bringing such joy after a really hard year…
Big hugs! I fret about ever not-seeing my sisters! Thank you for sharing about how you ponder growing as a writer. I’m ever amazed that any of us ever think this writing stuff is (or make it appear) easy! –wow is that a convoluted sentence or what??? I love the delight with which you end this post — Your poetryaction could’ve been included as an epitaph for that sweet book!
Hehe, convoluted feels right about now. It’s always challenging. Growing as a writer is a great challenge. Growing the business side–not a part I enjoy so much. Thanks, Patricia.
I love thinking of the dog stretching into meadow dreams. Thanks for sharing all your adventures, and I’m looking forward to Line Leads the Way. As you continue to ponder your writing career, Laura, please don’t lose sight of the invisible parts — the inspiration and encouragement you have given to countless students and fellow writers (I’m raising my hand!). I’m glad I know you.
Thank you so much, Rose. Your words mean so much! xox. I’m glad I know you, too! You’ve inspired me and many others. <3
I love the three snapshots of sleeping/dreaming in your poem! And I can’t wait for LINE LEADS THE WAY. I’m currently auditioning books for fall with my after-school crew!
Thanks, Mary Lee–enjoy those auditions! Hope you find the perfectly imperfect books that will resonate. <3
Oskar had a wonderful trip! 🙂 And I’m gonna echo Rose — your work is ever-inspiring! But yes, I hear you on the business side of things. Ugh. Don’t like that part.
Here’s to Line leading the way in August!
Thanks, Karen!
Love your animal dream poem offering respite and possibilities! Thanks for sharing the fun Oskar Videos —and your forthcoming cover for “Line Leads the Way,” looks and sounds intriguing! Changes are hard, but sometimes rewarding, wishing you the best with all these loose ends.
Laura, it was great to see you and Kayla looking so happy and healthy on the road with Oskar. I can appreciate the emotional feelings of having a sister move so far away and wondering if it will be the last time you are all together. Here’s to many more years of loving each other near and far. Congratulations on Line Leads the Way. I love the image of the dog draping herself over the bed’s edge in your poem, and the repetition of dreams, each stanza with a different kind of dream.