Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
Well, no trick or treaters came by on our chilly Tuesday night, so now I’m battling those peanut butter cup treats all by myself!
Last week, I didn’t make it in with a bat poem, so I’m sharing this one this week. I’ve written a number of bat poems over the years. This one is from the anthology One Minute Till Bedtime (Little, Brown), edited by former Children’s Poet Laureate Kenn Nesbitt. It’s such a fun book! I need to pull it out for a re-read!
Also, I’m celebrating two things this week: Lovely news from the California Reading Assocation,
and NCTE!
I’ll be paired with the fabulous Mary Lee Hahn at that 11 a.m. session! Anybody else going to NCTE this year?
Oh, one more thing!
And for more wonderful poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with poet-author Buffy Silverman. I need to read her beautiful new picture book, On a Flake-Flying Day!
25 Responses
Congratulations on all the joyous news and upcoming events!
Congratulations on all your good news, Laura! Zap! Clap! Boom! is a terrific read. I wish I was joining you at NCTE this year. Have a wonderful time!
Thanks, Rose–I wish you were, too!
Congratulations on your book’s award, Laura, & have fun at NCTE and with Mary Lee! I remember meeting you at one so long ago. It is so much fun and learning and meeting people there! I love this bat poem, “sheets of stretch”, exactly how it looks!
That NCTE feels like forever ago…So good to see you in Denver back in 2019, at least :>)
Laura, I love the bat poem and I am looking forward to seeing you at NCTE!
Sheets of stretch — I love that! We had fewer trick-or-treaters this year. Like the bats, they seem to be decreasing in numbers. Congratulations on your gold award, well deserved! Have fun at NCTE on the 18th!
Congratulations, Laura, on your award! Love “ sheets of stretch” in your poem. It sounds just right for bat wings. Enjoy the conference. 🙂
Congrats, Laura! Hope the good news buoys you into November. Lucky listeners will get to share in all your poetic kidlit wisdom!
Congratulations on the well-deserved award–I love FINDING FAMILY! And your line about sheets of stretch. Enjoy those peanut butter cups–somebody has to, and it might as well be you!
I can’t wait for NCTE! I made a Halloween decorated door “It’s Batty in Here!” and my students made bats with clothespins and painted coffee filters. They loved it. Bats are fascinating. See you soon!
Aw, fun! So looking forward to seeing you in person!
Laura, what a joy-filled newsy post! Congratulations. “It’s Bats” is a sweet poem! I’m going to NCTE. I will look forward to meeting you in person.
Excellent! See you soon!
Laura, Congratulations. You deserve the accolades. I wish I was going to NCTE but I am not. I will miss meeting up with friends like you or even presenting.Let me know where the next NCTE will be. Perhaps, I can attend or write a proposal to present with friends. “sheets of stretch” love it. My son said he saw a bat in the trees as we were driving the other night.
It’ll be strange to not see you there, Carol! But everyone needs a break, too. I was surprised last year at how sad I felt when I saw all the NCTE pics online. Love that your son spotted a bat. Not easy to see in the trees!
Congratulations, Laura! I wish I could be at NCTE to hear your presentation. Have a wonderful time!
I’ll miss seeing you, Linda. Also, your book came yesterday! I’m looking forward to reading it!
Congratulations on the (deserved) recognition, and thanks for another look at a great bat poem. I love the way you use enjambment!
Congratulations on all the exciting news! I love this bat poem of yours and had recently pulled it out to share with my class this week. They loved it, too! It’s got wonderful rhythm and is fabulous to read aloud. We had great fun doing so–several times in fact!
Thanks for the trifecta of joy in this post, Laura. 🙂
So much exciting poetry-book news here Laura—Yay and congrats on the book award, your forthcoming talks, and moving bat 🦇 poem‑I have that anthology and enjoy revisiting often, thanks for all!
Cheers to you, Laura! Lots of great giving and receiving here.
So much exciting poetry-book news here Laura—Yay and congrats on the book award, your forthcoming talks, and moving bat 🦇 poem‑I have that anthology and enjoy revisiting often, thanks for all!
Laura, congratulations on your Eureka Gold award for Finding Family! Your bat poem is so good! I love “our wings are leathery/ sheets of stretch.” I think the next lines are my favorites “we carve the sky/ at night we etch.” Great word choices and I love the stretch/etch rhyme and the short e assonance of leathery, stretch, and etch. Nice repetition and I like the effect of your we with action words. You’re going to have so much fun at NCTE. 🙂