
Day 23: These Are the Hands (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Today’s poem comes from a prompt at Michelle Heidenrich Barnes’ Today’s Little Ditty. This is from the first week of April, and I’m just finally getting around to it…better late than never? I’m also finally reading Michelle’s The Best of Today’s Little Ditty 2017–2018 anthology, and it’s lovely. And her posts have made me want

Day 22: Staying Calm in a Storm, by a Sea Goddess (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
It’s the final #waterpoemproject poem. Thank you, Laura Shovan and all the contributing prompt writers! Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here each day (or as often as I can). I’m participating in Laura Shovan’s awesome #WaterPoemProject the

Day 21: Grocery Store Heroes (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
The theme of today’s #waterpoemproject is gift poems, and before I share mine, I want to share a gift I got recently. Snowman-Cold=Puddle is a nominee for the Minnesota Youth Reading Awards (Star of the North picture book category). This is Minnesota’s version of the kids’ choice awards, and this is my very first book

Day 20: An Oil Spill Diamante (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Today’s #waterpoemproject prompt resulted in a sad poem. I prefer to celebrate water and focus on the positive, but in thinking about “dirty water,” I couldn’t help thinking of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Here’s my diamante: Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month

Day 19: Spindrift Definito (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Here’s today’s #waterpoemproject poem–a definito prompt from Heidi Mordhorst via Laura Shovan’s lovely project. I love definitos–this is my second one, and I’d love to write some more. Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here each day

Day 18: Puddle Is a Word (#NationalPoetryMonth)
Here are today’s #WaterPoemProject poems. Each morning, I’m waking up and dragging myself into a poem. But then I get into my draft and the world drops away for 30 minutes. A lovely way to start today. Also, don’t miss the lovely article on poetry’s calming effect during these times. I was happy to contribute:

Day 17: I Am From…by Water (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Happy Poetry Friday! Today’s prompt for the #WaterPoemProject was awesome but challenging. How do you show the universality of water but still stay specific? Here’s my attempt: Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here each day (or as

Day 16: Drip from My Fingertips (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
I’ve been participating in Laura Shovan’s fabulous #WaterPoemProject, and it’s the best decision I made for National Poetry Month. With only a few exceptions over the past several weeks, it’s been the first writing I’ve done each day. I check out the prompt, spend about 30 minutes writing a poem draft and creating a Canva

Day 15: Spring Peepers (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
I haven’t heard spring peepers yet, though some of my local Minnesota friends have. Not sure if it’s because I’m in the city and not near any ponds or marshes, or because we have had snow several days the past week! Ha! Anyway, I’m going to try to get outside at dusk the next few

Day 14: Goodbye to Jack (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Today’s #waterpoemproject poem explores a painful memory from 2017… Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping toCopy of Day X: (#NationalPoetryMonth2020) share an imagepoem here each day (or as often as I can). I’m participating in Laura Shovan’s awesome #WaterPoemProject the best I

Day 13: Floor, Not Sky (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Today’s #waterpoemproject prompt involved thinking of some favorite words, then somehow connecting them to water. “Bamboozle” is a word I love the sound of, and it means to trick someone. It also has “bamboo” in it. So I thought about how bamboo in the rainforests grow so fast, and that maybe the rain tricks it

Day 12: Soap Bubbles (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Happy Easter! Today got away from me, and I confess this is a poem I wrote years ago, but it sort of fits today’s #waterpoemproject, so I’m sharing it here: Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here

Day 11: Ode to the Shore of Lake Mizell (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here each day (or as often as I can). I’m participating in Laura Shovan’s awesome #WaterPoemProject the best I can, so most of my poems will come from either that or from

Day 10: Things to Do if You Are Spring — community edition! [Poetry Friday]
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) These are hard days for writers, aren’t they? Especially ones who aren’t big names. And who have books from last year not selling too well along with books publishing this year and facing extra challenges. (I know, these are hard days for everyone, including mostly

Day 9: Water Volleyball (#NationalPoetryMonth2020)
Like most everybody else, I’m experiencing lots of upheavals lately! I have no huge National Poetry Month plans–just hoping to share an imagepoem here each day (or as often as I can). I’m participating in Laura Shovan’s awesome #WaterPoemProject the best I can, so most of my poems will come from either that or from
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Go to my Poetry page for:
- National Poetry Month projects through the years
- Small Reads Roundups (poems grouped by topic)
- Introductions to several favorite poetry forms