Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

While walking Jack one evening, my husband and I saw this fearless kitty marching along a balcony outside the railing. This image makes me think of several things:
- Cat burglar (of course!)
- Wouldn’t it be nice to have 9 lives?
- A zoo where the animals look at the people inside cages
And here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
34 Responses
Laura, I love your idea of the people zoo! I’m so happy to be back and participating today! Happy summer everyone!
Advice to an Intrepid Cat
Little cat
Step lightly now
Or go ker-splat!
ha! I’ve not seen a cat go ker-splat.….but that’s a great ending!
A fun play with rhyme.
Welcome back, Molly! It’s good to be back for me, too, as I’ve been mostly away from my blog and people the past couple months! Great advice for a cat. I was a little worried about it going ker-splat in front of us!
Ooo! I love the “pit-a-pat”
Ha! Nice warning! I’ve only had one cat almost go “kersplat”.
F erocious
E legant
L anguid
I ntrepid
N oiseless
E scape-artist
Great acrostic poem, with the perfect ending line.
Ferocious and elegant seems a juxtaposition. I like how you used feline for your acrostic. Great last line.
Love this, Linda–especially that last line!
This summer I have been working on my yoga skills.
Cat to cow
then downward dog,
my body-mind control–
tip-toeing the rail
of balance.
I miss yoga (bad wrists). Love “tip-toeing”!
Cat to cow.….perhaps I will learn what this means when I finally DO take up yoga. Tip-toeing.…we all do that through some days. hmmmmm
Cats to cows.… ha …when you think of those two animals yoga doesn’t come to mind immediately until you think of the cat stretches and relaxation and the cow’s meditation and slow strolling. Now for the duck move! Let it all roll off your back!
I love “tip-toeing the rail of balance” and your yoga take on this photo!
Ah, yes, my cat loves to do this in our open staircase. It used to bother me, but now I just don’t watch! He has wild cat games to play!
On Mt. Balcony
Is who I be;
Don’t fear for me,
It’s what I do.
Fear for you!
Wow–love the swagger!
Oh, that cattitude! Wonderful. I’d like to meet that cat—oh, wait. He lives near by.
Good morning. We have recently had some terrible “animal cruelty” events in our area. The perps should be caged and have animals looking at them.
Kitties and Kiddies
I’m a stray
need a home
plastic pools
synonym for bath
I’ll continue to roam.
Oh no :>( How can people do horrible things to animals? I just don’t understand it… I love how you picked up on the little pools on the deck and the kitty saying, “Nope!”
Oh, poor babies. I wish I could handle taking in more. My son .… has many issues but is an absolute genius with animals. I’d love to see him work at a shelter as soon as he is old enough.
wasent shor what to wright I though of Alphabet soop poem By Jessica Bigi
Alphabet noodle cats
mouth so high
ground far below
my boll do noddle
cats get dizzy
I sure hope cats don’t get dizzy or vertigo or anything!
Loved you People Zoo, Laura. While this cat is probably enjoying a prowl, I took a different tact.
I wonder why
you tossed me out,
left to meow and beg,
pace and pout.
Awww:>( Poor kitty. Great verbs in your poem, though:>)
Love the way you switched the typical zoo perspective, Laura!
Turning from the well-trod path
she wobbles along ledges
regains her footing
rebalances her dreams
Such a lovely, positive poem for today–thanks, Buffy!
This made me think of prison bars and how often my cats would try to escape to the outdoors.
Cattery Escape
Slink down the catwalk
Give the guards the slip
Quietly catapult to freedom
Oooh, the verbs (and wordplay) are delicious! I especially love that quiet catapult!
Ha! Cats rule!
“Languid” is what my cat does best. Love this acrostic! Great cat words.
No clue how this got here…Pretend it is up by Linda’s acrostic!
title is part of poem
Scooting on ledge
following its prey,
he stops, stares,
ready to pounce
jumps, splat lands
on mouse.