This week is a Poetry Friday two-fer. Somehow, whenever there’s an outside thing I’m participating in for Poetry Friday, it’s always the first Friday of the month. So, that means I’m juggling two poems this week! Here’s the first one, and the other post will go live tonight.
Poem 1:
What Didn’t Make the Cut for Kenn Nesbitt’s Anthology
It is always exciting to get an invitation to submit work for an anthology–but it’s also a little bit stressful. You’re (OK, I’m–maybe nobody else feels this way) trying to read the anthologist’s mind. What is the perfect fit for this book? What will seem just right and yet be unexpected? What will make the anthologist say, “Yes! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for!”
When Kenn contacted me about submitting work for this fun project, I combed through my poems–a couple hundred of them, I think. I narrowed it down to 17 possibilities and took them to my writing group (thank goodness for writing groups!). Based on their feedback, I narrowed it down to 6. I sent those 6 to Kenn, and my note said, in part: “It contains six possibilities–if we’re only supposed to submit one, just take a look at the first page.” That’s because I put them in order, 1 to 6, of how likely I thought they were to fit what he needed. I’m sure glad I included more than 1!
You can probably guess what’s coming here. He chose poem #6,“We’re Bats!” Hehe. I wonder if Poem 17 was REALLY the perfect fit for the anthology! But we won’t go there.
Anyway, I thought I’d share here Poem #1, the one I felt was most likely to fit.
Don’t Stare!
Please pretend you don’t notice his tiny doll hands.
Sue, at Chicago’s Field Museum (Photo: Connie Ma)
Don’t stare at the lumbering way that he stands.
He’s new to our school and unbearably shy, and we don’t want to make the tyrannosaur cry!
–Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved
To enjoy more poems that didn’t make the One Minute Till Bedtime cut, visit a roundup at Jackie Hosking’s blog, which has the text of many other poems submitted but not accepted into OMTB, plus links to other Poetry Friday regulars who are sharing their poems on their own blogs, like I am here. Thanks, Jackie–this was a fun idea! And thank you, Kenn, for including my poem in this lovely, multi-starred anthology!
For more poetry fun on FRIDAY, go visit the Poetry Friday Roundup with Bridget at Wee Words for Wee Ones.
I love that ‘We’re Bats’ was number 6 — and the whole backstory behind the submission. And that I’m not the only one who overthinks these things!!! 🙂
Heehee. Not at ALL. Love your school bus and how you can enter the poem really anywhere, because it’s that cycle over and over. And the “My Dad” poem with its great child voice. Happy to be in there with you!
Cute poem, Laura! My 6‑yr-old son & I just recently watched a short documentary about Sue. Congrats on your inclusion in OMTB!
Thanks–was it Dinosaur 13? That seems long and involved for a 6yo, but it was an interesting film. Love your forest poem–all the wonderful specifics make me feel like I just had a real visit:>)
Thank you, Laura!
Such a fun poem, Laura! Congrats on your “We’re Bats” acceptance!
Thank you:>)
Love it. Thought you were writing about Trump at first. LOL
Bwah hahahaha!
You laugh like my cousin. 🙂 A high compliment.
Oh, perfect for the theme of community, Laura! My copy of OMTB is on its way from Amazon as we speak. I’m looking forward to seeing all the poems that made it in. =)
This is perfect to share with my youngest granddaughter, with whom I have many conversations about the look of the dinosaurs (bones) we see at our science museum. Fun story about the choice of poem, too! Thanks, Laura!
Love it, Laura and love your poem in the anthology as well. Yes, I agree, it is challenging deciding what to send! Nice to share pages with you!
Thanks, BJ–and your skateboard poem is awesome. I love the positive attitude–and that the dad doesn’t take over the skateboard!
15 Responses
I love that ‘We’re Bats’ was number 6 — and the whole backstory behind the submission. And that I’m not the only one who overthinks these things!!! 🙂
Heehee. Not at ALL. Love your school bus and how you can enter the poem really anywhere, because it’s that cycle over and over. And the “My Dad” poem with its great child voice. Happy to be in there with you!
Cute poem, Laura! My 6‑yr-old son & I just recently watched a short documentary about Sue. Congrats on your inclusion in OMTB!
Thanks–was it Dinosaur 13? That seems long and involved for a 6yo, but it was an interesting film. Love your forest poem–all the wonderful specifics make me feel like I just had a real visit:>)
Thank you, Laura!
Such a fun poem, Laura! Congrats on your “We’re Bats” acceptance!
Thank you:>)
Love it. Thought you were writing about Trump at first. LOL
Bwah hahahaha!
You laugh like my cousin. 🙂 A high compliment.
Oh, perfect for the theme of community, Laura! My copy of OMTB is on its way from Amazon as we speak. I’m looking forward to seeing all the poems that made it in. =)
This is perfect to share with my youngest granddaughter, with whom I have many conversations about the look of the dinosaurs (bones) we see at our science museum. Fun story about the choice of poem, too! Thanks, Laura!
Love it, Laura and love your poem in the anthology as well. Yes, I agree, it is challenging deciding what to send! Nice to share pages with you!
Thanks, BJ–and your skateboard poem is awesome. I love the positive attitude–and that the dad doesn’t take over the skateboard!