Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.
Our younger daughter lives overseas doing volunteer work. She lives on practically nothing and works to make the world better. Here’s the holiday decoration she made for her flat, including her hand-painted reminder to herself to be grateful. She is so inspiring!

This image makes me think of several things:
- Ack! It’s late November already!
- candles make everything magical
- the smell of Christmas trees
And here’s my first draft. My dead laptop has had a new solid state drive installed and will be home eventually. For now, I’m on an ancient laptop and work is still proceeding very slowly. (But that’s better than NO laptop, and I am grateful!) I can’t do the image version I usually do, but here it is:
BreathEach morning,I open a giftWrapped in snowTied with ribbons of sunrise sky–Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
27 Responses
Still amazed
Be still my heart
Grey geese migration
in V formation
Beautiful.…I do love the geese in fall. They are so spectacular
Your poem capturee something in my heart, Suzanne, that feels extra life in the face of nature and animals. Migrating Canada geese are one of my favorite sights and sounds of fall and spring:)
Happy Thanks Giving every one
poem by Jessica Bigi
Recopy Of Peace
Oh, I love that word togetherness.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica! I love the emphasis on kindness. And that final word…love it!
Happy Thanksgiving, Laura! I’m up early with the pets thinking about how to attack food prep as a teaching chef to my teens. I love being in the kitchen with everyone. And, I lived in another country for two Thanksgivings. There’s some bitter/sweet feelings being so far away at holidays. Give your daughter a virtual high-five from me.
Far from home
Not alone
Giving Thanks
Brings home
From afar
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Linda. I’m sure all your food will be amazing! I’m so glad our daughter does have a Thanksgiving celebration to go to, with another American family she’s very close with and a few other people from various countries. She got to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, too:) We hope to get to Skype with her for a few minutes later today.
I miss her so much, but I am thankful for her daily, whether she is close by or half a world away. Thanksgiving day as a good reminder to be grateful that she is happy, and healthy, and doing what she feels called to do.
Laura, I love your praise poem to the day. And it was wonderful to see you at NCTE.
I have a friend who is very ill with sepsis and she is spending her Thanksgiving in the hospital. Dani and I visited St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter, New Orleans and, even though I am not Catholic, I lit a candle for her.
I lit a candle today
white wax
in votive glass
and said a prayer
for you.
Happy Thanksgiving All!
Margaret, it was so awesome to see you and spend a little time with you at ncte. Seeing friends in person is really one of the highlights of the conference! Hoping your friend with sepsis recovers–how scary. I like how the day sounds in your first three lines echo each other and then the surprising softness of those end two lines. The whole poem feels like a prayer. Happy Thanksgiving!
Laura, I love your poem. And wow, your mama heart must be so proud.
Inspired by your poem and my month long grump:
Waking a gift
I’ll take
in the unwrapping
of the day
Beautifully said, Rebekah. Those last two lines feel so graceful and elegant
Away from home for Thanksgiving, celebrating with husband and daughter and a family we don’t know. This should be another interesting holiday for our “family holiday book”.
Giving thanks takes up
No space
But can fill
to overflowing.
By Donna JT Smith
Donna, I love this little truth. I can’t think of what it’s called when something that seems contradictory is really true, but you accomplish that effect beautifully here. Happy Thanksgiving!
The table’s full of food to eat
The room, with family to greet.
Thank you.
I love the simplicity of this, Cindy. The essentials are all covered. Everything else is a bonus. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for the community here and especially Laura, who has made Thursdays special with 15 WOL. Who else feels families should be home celebrating on Thanksgiving, and not out shopping or having to work?
Thanksgiving — Gathered Together
Close the doors
of non-essential stores
It’s NOT about Christmas.
Stop the shopping wars.
Love. Love. Love. Happy Thanksgiving, Lauren!
What a great way to get in the spirit of the day!
F amily gathers
A nd every year
M akes
I ncredible new memories,
L ooks back on
Y esterdays with gratitude.
Sherry Howard
I love this, Sherry! It makes me want to print it out and hang it up at our gathering:) Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for this wonderful community that Laura creates! Happy thanksgiving to all.
Thanksgiving Wish
Pumpkin, blueberry
apple too–
a slice of thanks
to you and you!
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Laura, for some reason I cannot get a “comment” prompt except this one which says Gargoyle (Poetry Friday). I cannot view any comments for today’s picture. Taking a chance that the internet will straighten itself out; if not, this will make no sense tomorrow. Loved your “Breath” title and for some reason thought of baby’s breath, the flower, even thought it was the aqua in the photo, not the actual flower.
‘Tis the Season
Holly berries
pine cones
pumpkin scented
year’s end.
Martha, you’re commenting on the right post, and we’re glad! I love celebrating the beauty of the year’s end. It’s not only beginnings that are beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving!
wow, lovely.…
Happy Thanksgiving Laura! Beautiful poem. Sounds like your daughter is doing great work! I am so thankful for my family and people like you who are so generous in the writing community! Today I’m thinking of family who are no longer with us.
The Empty Chair
We sit…
A humble lot,
And give thanks.
Your empty chair
Filled with love.
Jean, this is so lovely and bittersweet. I had a full, lovely, fun day, but my mom was also on my mind. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Laura! This is my first participation here. ????
Perplexed pinecones
don’t know what to wear
for the winter party
maybe a sprig of frost
Vicki Wilke