Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
I’m feeling that start-of-the-year energy! I kicked some bad writing habits to the curb, and I’m feeling much happier. Will everything get done? Nope. Will writing get done? Absolutely.
Four quick things:
1. My next picture book is available for pre-order! It’s based on my trip on a Great Lakes freighter a few years ago. If you know someone who loves adventure stories, boats, the Great Lakes, or chipmunks, this book is for them! You can learn more about it here and pre-order from Amazon here or a signed copy from Red Balloon here. Here’s the cover–art is by Kayla Harren. Isn’t it fabulous?
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2. My daughter’s creating book earrings! Want to have a bit of your favorite book, a book your wrote, or your One Little Word right there with you? For my birthday last fall, I received Wrinkle in Time earrings (above left). Love them! Check out her Etsy shop. And she’s donating some of her proceeds to RIF!
3. I have one spot left for World Read Aloud Day. My only opening is at 9am Central Time. If you’re interested, go here and fill out the form. But only choose 9am!
4. I’m offering single sessions of poetry-related virtual author visits this spring, at hugely discounted prices!
Now, for this week’s poem. I know some of you have gotten way more snow than you wanted, but I’m sad that Minnesota has gotten SO little snow so far this winter. Dianne White and Ramona Kaulitzki’s lovely Winter Lullaby was such a comforting read. It inspired this poetryaction.
And for lots of comforting or funny or alarming poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with writer Tracey Kiff-Judson (I love her logo!).
30 Responses
Oskar’s Voyage looks adorable! And those earrings! Top it all off with a cozy little poem. Ah! Sitting by the fire.
Thanks, Margaret :>)
I am loving this energy filled post. It is joyful. I love the earrings.
Thanks, Jone!
Congratulations on Oskar’s Voyage! It sounds fantastic, like all of your writing! 2024 is going to be a great year for you! : )
Thanks, Tracey!
Yes to adventure and chipmunks, please! It’s so cool to see the finished book cover. I’m delighted to see this book coming out into our world. I will order a copy for my local public library. I love getting copies of books by PF participants. I feel so connected when I find them on my local library shelves. Well done, Laura! Here’s to more writing!
Thank you SO much :>)
I’m looking forward to Oskar’s Voyage, Laura! And though little snow is on the way here, the temps are going to set records! I love the idea of that ‘fireplace rug’! You keep warm, too!
Thanks, Linda! Yep…bitter cold but little snow. So disappointing! Stay cozy.
Laura, your new book sounds intriguing. If you are seeking book reviewers, count me in. How to Spend a Snowy Day is just the right poetryaction I like. Enjoy the weather.
Thank you, Carol! I’ll check with MHSP to see if they’re sending out review copies. Thanks for offering :>) We’re just getting brutal cold, but very little snow. It’s so sad.
Thanks for the cozy, joy-filled post, Laura! And congratulations on Oskar’s Voyage. I just preordered it.
Thanks so much, Rose! I hope you like it!
A snow storm and a warm place to spend the day sounds great to me. Your book sound fabulous, Laura, and I will get a copy. We’ve gotten little snow this year in NY, and in some ways it’s convenient, but I miss it. When I first moved to Syracuse years ago, I’d walk to work and it would always be snowing. I used to love it.
Thank you, Janice. Sounds good to me, too. But snowless winters do NOT sound great.
Gosh, I literally just hit send on a response to Janice’s post about mourning the loss of snow in the east. Can it be that we will only recall this magical experience through picture books and poems??? Dianne’s book is beautiful, isn’t it! And congrats on OSKAR!
How strange. My own comments aren’t showing up. Patricia, this thought makes me so sad. Maybe snow will only be seen in historical fiction… :>(
Love your cozy poem to curl up to… Many Congrats on Oskar’s Voyage, sounds exciting, and that chipmunk is so adorable. And Yay for your daughter’s book earrings–what fun, good luck to her and her shop, thanks Laura!
That’s me, Michelle K. anonymous above, thanks for your bubbly good filled post Laura!
Congratulations, on Oskar’s Voyage! I apologize for not saying congrats in my last comment. I became too excited about Oskar, your writing, photos and videos. I’d love to be a fly on a wall when you read to children. Last weekend we finally received snow-about 9 in! Unfortunately, not enough time to cross-country ski, but we threw on our snowshoes. The snow-covered trees were beautiful! Hopefully, you’ll receive snow from the next storm coming through. I wish it would stay cold enough so rain that’s raining right now wouldn’t wash the snow away. Good luck.
Thank you, Gail! No need for apologies. 9″ of snow–heaven! Thanks for your steady cheeriness and enthusiasm :>)
Oh I can’t wait to read Oskar’s Village! And your daughter’s earrings are beautiful! I don’t wear earrings–too many allergic reactions over the years. 🙁
Thanks, Marcie!
We’re with Minnesota in our lack of snow, but we’re not surprised in central Ohio. 🙂 Still, the cold-cold has made it here, so I wouldn’t mind a crackling fire with an inviting rug! (the space heater will have to do!!)
2nd try. Ours is just a gas fire, so only one step up from a space heater :>D But so easy it makes up for it!
Laura, it’s only raining here in Connecticut, but I am going to follow your poem’s advice anyway! What a nice start to Saturday to read it. Love, love, love the book earrings.
Thank you, Susan–boo to rain in CT in Jan!
Congrats on the new book, Laura! Your daughter’s earrings are beautiful! And I’m planning to take your poem’s advice for this snowy day.
Testing. This is 2nd try replying. Thanks, Karen. Hope you had a snuggly day!