Wake up your poetry brains with 15 Words or Less (guidelines here)!
I took this pic while Randy was washing Captain Jack Sparrow, who was just a teensy bit ripe! Maddie usually bathes him, but she’s been away since early September, so… Jack wouldn’t hold still, but I kind of liked this effect. This image makes me think of:
1) “makes my head spin!”
2) The Exorcist
3) a merry-go-round
And here’s my?first draft. I decided to do an acrostic with just one word per line. I don’t do them that way very often!
SMH [Shaking My Head]
Head’s a blur.
Circle of fur.
Ears to chin
take a spin.
?-Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved
Now it’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS!??(Title doesn’t count toward word count:>)??
138 Responses
Pinpoint of time
Standstill of seconds
Warping of minutes
Vortex of dog
Always love seeing pictures of Jack 🙂
love your last line
Haha. Me too! “Vortex of dog”–perfect!
Pinpoint of time…
it’s amazing that we can capture a moment in time like this.
Amelia, I too thought vortex — I will date myself — does anyone remember the silly song/verse about Ida Mae taking a bath and going right down that drain?
Like everyone, love the ‘vortex’, Amelia!
Aw, man. “Vortex of dog.” Brilliant. (Jack says hi:>)
Pinpoint of time
Standstill of seconds
Warping of minutes
Vortex of dog
Always love seeing pictures of Jack 🙂
love your last line
Haha. Me too! “Vortex of dog”–perfect!
Pinpoint of time…
it’s amazing that we can capture a moment in time like this.
Amelia, I too thought vortex — I will date myself — does anyone remember the silly song/verse about Ida Mae taking a bath and going right down that drain?
Like everyone, love the ‘vortex’, Amelia!
Aw, man. “Vortex of dog.” Brilliant. (Jack says hi:>)
swirling pup
howling growling
splicing splashing
study’s bubbles
spinning pups
round and round
slipping and a sliding
some one hand pour
pup a towel
this is a fun pic today so is your poem today
poem By
Jessica Bigi
swirling pup
howling growling
splicing splashing
study’s bubbles
spinning pups
round and round
slipping sliding
pour pup
needs a towel
shortened it some Poem by Jessica Bigi
Nice visuals Jessica.
Lots of great words here! Good images.
Hey, now–15 words only:>) I love “splicing and splashing”!
I will keep ittoo 15 from now on
And I largely enforce that because 99% of the time our poems are SO MUCH BETTER when we force ourselves to keep only the very best, most necessary words:>)
I like all that swirling, howling/growling… Can just imagine the bath!
swirling pup
howling growling
splicing splashing
study’s bubbles
spinning pups
round and round
slipping and a sliding
some one hand pour
pup a towel
this is a fun pic today so is your poem today
poem By
Jessica Bigi
swirling pup
howling growling
splicing splashing
study’s bubbles
spinning pups
round and round
slipping sliding
pour pup
needs a towel
shortened it some Poem by Jessica Bigi
Nice visuals Jessica.
Lots of great words here! Good images.
Hey, now–15 words only:>) I love “splicing and splashing”!
I will keep ittoo 15 from now on
And I largely enforce that because 99% of the time our poems are SO MUCH BETTER when we force ourselves to keep only the very best, most necessary words:>)
I like all that swirling, howling/growling… Can just imagine the bath!
Great picture and a good inspiration for your poem. Love this! I’m sending it to my sisters who both have dogs.
Great picture and a good inspiration for your poem. Love this! I’m sending it to my sisters who both have dogs.
Show us again, Toto! How
did it go, when your
house spun
in the
Darn! It won’t hold its format.…I’ll try something else…it’s supposed to be centered!
I love this
I posted it on my site for the shape today.…
Very cool!
Great Donna, even in this format. Love the rhyme Toto and go.
Love the Toto/tornado idea, Donna. Terrific!
Love this, Donna–I can totally picture the shape–no worries. I like how you’re speaking directly to Toto:>)
Show us again, Toto! How
did it go, when your
house spun
in the
Darn! It won’t hold its format.…I’ll try something else…it’s supposed to be centered!
I love this
I posted it on my site for the shape today.…
Very cool!
Great Donna, even in this format. Love the rhyme Toto and go.
Love the Toto/tornado idea, Donna. Terrific!
Love this, Donna–I can totally picture the shape–no worries. I like how you’re speaking directly to Toto:>)
Dog Bath
What does
clean mean?
Got mud
in my blood?
I must roam,
bring home
?Kate Coombs
Forever and a day! Great description of man’s best friend.
Such fun describing a true dog’s life! Love that roam and loam!
Ha! “Bring home loam”! Love that!
The truth must be told!
I adore “Got mud/in my blood–” Yes!
I agree with Laura–mud in my blood is wonderful!
Just love got mud in my blood
Just love got mud in my blood
Just love got mud in my blood
Dog Bath
What does
clean mean?
Got mud
in my blood?
I must roam,
bring home
?Kate Coombs
Forever and a day! Great description of man’s best friend.
Such fun describing a true dog’s life! Love that roam and loam!
Ha! “Bring home loam”! Love that!
The truth must be told!
I adore “Got mud/in my blood–” Yes!
I agree with Laura–mud in my blood is wonderful!
Just love got mud in my blood
Just love got mud in my blood
Just love got mud in my blood
Your use of words and rhyme is delightful, Laura, as is the picture!
Captain Jack Sparrow?s Water Trick
bath joy,
wind-up boy
floaty toy
magically see
with water he
grew in size
Linda Baie ?All Rights Reserved
Wonderful Linda.
Tx, Linda–oh, what fun this is! I love the rhythm and delayed final rhyme!
love the image of wind-up boy and the water he/delightfully rhyme–great!
Your use of words and rhyme is delightful, Laura, as is the picture!
Captain Jack Sparrow?s Water Trick
bath joy,
wind-up boy
floaty toy
magically see
with water he
grew in size
Linda Baie ?All Rights Reserved
Wonderful Linda.
Tx, Linda–oh, what fun this is! I love the rhythm and delayed final rhyme!
love the image of wind-up boy and the water he/delightfully rhyme–great!
Captain Jack’s Dream Do
I want the style
yet all the while
my head’s a’whirl.
Aced that swirl!
Speaking of snapping a pic at just the right time! Great photography. No offense Laura to man or beast — just had to go with my first impression. The coif is unmistakable.
I tried some whirly, swirly, but just couldn’t get it to work. You did, though, Martha. Wonderful!
Hehehe–love that last line, especially:>) And the photo is just what comes of using only a cell phone to take pics. It’s not fast enough to get clear shots. Usually things are just a tiny bit blurry–in this case, it worked FOR me instead of against me:>)
Love the title–and that last line!
love the wril and swril
Airily and swril
Captain Jack’s Dream Do
I want the style
yet all the while
my head’s a’whirl.
Aced that swirl!
Speaking of snapping a pic at just the right time! Great photography. No offense Laura to man or beast — just had to go with my first impression. The coif is unmistakable.
I tried some whirly, swirly, but just couldn’t get it to work. You did, though, Martha. Wonderful!
Hehehe–love that last line, especially:>) And the photo is just what comes of using only a cell phone to take pics. It’s not fast enough to get clear shots. Usually things are just a tiny bit blurry–in this case, it worked FOR me instead of against me:>)
Love the title–and that last line!
love the wril and swril
Airily and swril
Told them no.
Wouldn’t listen, so..
get ready, get set-
here’s what you get:
no no no
don’t want to go
into that tub
don’t want a scrub-
oops, bottom stanza should have been on top. (Double poems today!) But there was a two year old on my lap and a button got pushed early.
Cute Cindy. Revenge is exactly what we get if we let them have that first shake out of the bath or the rain.
Love the spin-cycle!
Love the ‘scrub-blub’-so funny.
love the no no no
told them won’t go spin cycle
Told them no.
Wouldn’t listen, so..
get ready, get set-
here’s what you get:
no no no
don’t want to go
into that tub
don’t want a scrub-
oops, bottom stanza should have been on top. (Double poems today!) But there was a two year old on my lap and a button got pushed early.
Cute Cindy. Revenge is exactly what we get if we let them have that first shake out of the bath or the rain.
Love the spin-cycle!
Love the ‘scrub-blub’-so funny.
love the no no no
told them won’t go spin cycle
If I’m getting wet
get set
so are you!
Defenly true with bathing a pet
So short. And so true. 😀
If I’m getting wet
get set
so are you!
Defenly true with bathing a pet
So short. And so true. 😀
Wonderful photo, Laura (and poem, too!) My first thought was vortex, too (but didn’t compare to Amelia’s vortex of dog–that’s brilliant!)
Don’t Throw out the Doggy with the Bathwater
Fur circles and clogs
like miniature dogs
concealing his shame–
skunk is to blame!
Ha, ha! Having had a dog that was put to “shame” before, love this, Buffy, title, too!
That is so funny! Reminds me of something I read/heard recently about being able to build entire new cats out of the cat hair that was shed on furniture or something. Man, that’s gonna bug me now. Great title:>)
Wonderful photo, Laura (and poem, too!) My first thought was vortex, too (but didn’t compare to Amelia’s vortex of dog–that’s brilliant!)
Don’t Throw out the Doggy with the Bathwater
Fur circles and clogs
like miniature dogs
concealing his shame–
skunk is to blame!
Ha, ha! Having had a dog that was put to “shame” before, love this, Buffy, title, too!
That is so funny! Reminds me of something I read/heard recently about being able to build entire new cats out of the cat hair that was shed on furniture or something. Man, that’s gonna bug me now. Great title:>)
Oops?hit send before I finished..
On my head
there’s a snail instead.
Oh well?
a shell is swell.
Ellen Vojnovic
I love the different things we all see in these images:>)
That’s so funny! It does look like a snail. And the word “gastropod” in itself makes me laugh.
Oops?hit send before I finished..
On my head
there’s a snail instead.
Oh well?
a shell is swell.
Ellen Vojnovic
I love the different things we all see in these images:>)
That’s so funny! It does look like a snail. And the word “gastropod” in itself makes me laugh.
Captain, Oh Captain
Under gale driven spray
Of frothy seas,
My porcelain vessel trembles;
I’m sucked into a whirlpool
Of unwanted hygiene.
Love the title and take on this. BAIL! Epic :O)
Wonderful! Those first two lines are so sensory, and then that porcelain vessel–yes!
Captain, Oh Captain
Under gale driven spray
Of frothy seas,
My porcelain vessel trembles;
I’m sucked into a whirlpool
Of unwanted hygiene.
Love the title and take on this. BAIL! Epic :O)
Wonderful! Those first two lines are so sensory, and then that porcelain vessel–yes!
Shake, spin, swirl,
Shave me instead,
No more baths!
Jack sprang and fled!
This was fun 🙂 It’s been a while since I participated…a long while!
Happy to see you, Marianne. Hehehehe–Jack wishes! Welcome back:>)
Thanks Laura!
Shake, spin, swirl,
Shave me instead,
No more baths!
Jack sprang and fled!
This was fun 🙂 It’s been a while since I participated…a long while!
Happy to see you, Marianne. Hehehehe–Jack wishes! Welcome back:>)
Thanks Laura!