Wake up your poetry brains with 15 Words or Less (guidelines here)!
Surprising nature images are my favorite poetry prompt, but?everyday stuff works, too! Here’s?our upstairs hall light.?The image makes me think of:
1)?an invisible creature watching (one eye is the light; the other eye is the reflection of the light on the hall wall)
2)?a?mechanical sun
3) a lighthouse
And here’s my?first draft:
Lonely Lighthouse
Warns ships away
(but?wishes they would stay)
cries a sea of salty tears
–Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved
Now it’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS!??(Title doesn’t count toward word count:>)?
88 Responses
Happy 4th, Laura! May you keep lighting up our summer with challenges!
Sometimes the Light
At the end of the tunnel–
in the window burning–
is simply a safety feature.
Diane Mayr, all rights reserved
Love the wry sound of the third line. Of course, there are all kinds of safety… Have a wonderful holiday!
Perfect description of my hallway. I definitely think tunnel every day and appreciate the safety aspect you mentioned.
Happy 4th, Laura! May you keep lighting up our summer with challenges!
Sometimes the Light
At the end of the tunnel–
in the window burning–
is simply a safety feature.
Diane Mayr, all rights reserved
Love the wry sound of the third line. Of course, there are all kinds of safety… Have a wonderful holiday!
Perfect description of my hallway. I definitely think tunnel every day and appreciate the safety aspect you mentioned.
Light Spiders
Creep across walls
Dance dimends on water
Lighting webs in sky
Spins ice- stars out of sky
Laura I like your poem today
This was all I could come up with today
Jessica Bigi
Or spins light-stars into night
I love the ice stars image!
Light Spiders
Creep across walls
Dance dimends on water
Lighting webs in sky
Spins ice- stars out of sky
Laura I like your poem today
This was all I could come up with today
Jessica Bigi
Or spins light-stars into night
I love the ice stars image!
Oh dear — I must be hungry. I saw your link, looked at the photo and thought “That’s bacon?”
Brown pink crispy
Fried pork strip
Salt crystals sparkle on top.
Cathy, I love this. But, for the life of me, I can’t figure out how you saw bacon. Go eat breakfast, girl. 🙂
My nitrate-deprived eyes skipped right over the E in “BeACON” Cynthia! 😉
This is wonderful I love mt grandmothers B.L.T
Homemade bread home grone and mostly the best cos of grandmother made them thank for the wonderful memory
Home grone tomatows
Hahaha–nothing wrong with seeing bacon everywhere:) I like your sparkling salt.
Oh dear — I must be hungry. I saw your link, looked at the photo and thought “That’s bacon?”
Brown pink crispy
Fried pork strip
Salt crystals sparkle on top.
Cathy, I love this. But, for the life of me, I can’t figure out how you saw bacon. Go eat breakfast, girl. 🙂
My nitrate-deprived eyes skipped right over the E in “BeACON” Cynthia! 😉
This is wonderful I love mt grandmothers B.L.T
Homemade bread home grone and mostly the best cos of grandmother made them thank for the wonderful memory
Home grone tomatows
Hahaha–nothing wrong with seeing bacon everywhere:) I like your sparkling salt.
Good morning Laura. I think your poem is perfect; and, by the way, your hall light’s twin is signaling from my hallway — identical twin I might add. Small world.
Pie in the Sky
No guess no mess
Mom serves with pleasure
perfect slices
to sibs who measure.
Funny! Wonder if our houses were built the same year! I love that this reminded you of pie. And that you captured those brothers/sisters “who measure.” Ha! Aren’t we all determined to get exactly our share–of pie, of love, of Mom’s time/attention. Love this.
Good morning Laura. I think your poem is perfect; and, by the way, your hall light’s twin is signaling from my hallway — identical twin I might add. Small world.
Pie in the Sky
No guess no mess
Mom serves with pleasure
perfect slices
to sibs who measure.
Funny! Wonder if our houses were built the same year! I love that this reminded you of pie. And that you captured those brothers/sisters “who measure.” Ha! Aren’t we all determined to get exactly our share–of pie, of love, of Mom’s time/attention. Love this.
ceiling-mounted diamond
facets casting shadows
and one bright spot
like wisdom in the dark
Oh my goodness–so beautiful. And then that last line is brilliant!
ceiling-mounted diamond
facets casting shadows
and one bright spot
like wisdom in the dark
Oh my goodness–so beautiful. And then that last line is brilliant!
Moth Speaks
Great lamp
so bright?
must be
sun?s light!
I?m tired
of living
in night.
?Kate Coombs
I love the worshipful tone of those first 4 lines, Kate.
Moth Speaks
Great lamp
so bright?
must be
sun?s light!
I?m tired
of living
in night.
?Kate Coombs
I love the worshipful tone of those first 4 lines, Kate.
In another universe
lights beam, battle, burn,
to earn the title of
Andria W. Rosenbaum/all rights reserved
I love all the b’s in beam, battle, burn and then the rhyme with earn.
Wow–another great story in so few words. You have brought light to life and put a whole backstory in my head for when I look at the sun today.
In another universe
lights beam, battle, burn,
to earn the title of
Andria W. Rosenbaum/all rights reserved
I love all the b’s in beam, battle, burn and then the rhyme with earn.
Wow–another great story in so few words. You have brought light to life and put a whole backstory in my head for when I look at the sun today.
Cathy, I thought it said BACON too! But when I looked again, I saw the spider Jessica saw:
Friendly Spider
Installed on the ceiling,
her legs dangling down the walls,
she guards the dark hall.
Sorry, Liz, NOTHING with dangling legs is friendly. Shudder. Though this definitely gives me a great image:>) I love that she’s installed–and all the ‑all sounds in your poem.
Cathy, I thought it said BACON too! But when I looked again, I saw the spider Jessica saw:
Friendly Spider
Installed on the ceiling,
her legs dangling down the walls,
she guards the dark hall.
Sorry, Liz, NOTHING with dangling legs is friendly. Shudder. Though this definitely gives me a great image:>) I love that she’s installed–and all the ‑all sounds in your poem.
Hi Laura, I too saw loneliness in your prompt. Here’s what I came up with:
outstretched fingers
trace walls worn smooth
search corner to corner
for hope in a box
?Michelle Heidenrich Barnes. All rights reserved.
I love the metaphorical image in this poem of searching along the walls for hope. For me the light signified a beacon as well, yet the one we leave burning for our children to return.
Ahhh yes, the infamous hall light. Last one in turns it off. If mama wakes up and the light is still shining from under her closed bedroom door she glances at the clock either falls back asleep or begins making phone calls. Very nice, Margaret.
Oh my. Those sad, searching fingers of light–and that last line! Well done, Michelle!
Hi Laura, I too saw loneliness in your prompt. Here’s what I came up with:
outstretched fingers
trace walls worn smooth
search corner to corner
for hope in a box
?Michelle Heidenrich Barnes. All rights reserved.
I love the metaphorical image in this poem of searching along the walls for hope. For me the light signified a beacon as well, yet the one we leave burning for our children to return.
Ahhh yes, the infamous hall light. Last one in turns it off. If mama wakes up and the light is still shining from under her closed bedroom door she glances at the clock either falls back asleep or begins making phone calls. Very nice, Margaret.
Oh my. Those sad, searching fingers of light–and that last line! Well done, Michelle!
In our house, there is a light
leading the way
–Margaret Simon
I like the focus on the jobs of the light, Margaret.
In our house, there is a light
leading the way
–Margaret Simon
I like the focus on the jobs of the light, Margaret.
Here my entry.
Jeanne Poland
Here my entry.
Jeanne Poland
Blossom of light show me the way
I drank far too much water today.
Bwahahaha! Love it. (And it hits so-o-o- close to home…)
Hehe! We’re supposed to go with our first thoughts, right?
I love the first line
Hahahahaha–too funny. But–that “blossom of light” is simply gorgeous.
Blossom of light show me the way
I drank far too much water today.
Bwahahaha! Love it. (And it hits so-o-o- close to home…)
Hehe! We’re supposed to go with our first thoughts, right?
I love the first line
Hahahahaha–too funny. But–that “blossom of light” is simply gorgeous.
Moonlit Walk on the Rocky Coast
Inky pool concealed
where starfish cling below;
its treasure chest’s revealed
awash in starlit glow.
I love that inky pool and the starfish clinging. Gorgeous.
Moonlit Walk on the Rocky Coast
Inky pool concealed
where starfish cling below;
its treasure chest’s revealed
awash in starlit glow.
I love that inky pool and the starfish clinging. Gorgeous.
Forget this night-time
bathroom trip.
Out in the hall-
Alien spaceship!
It could be kind of spooky, couldn’t it? As always, I love the childlike point of view you bring. I keep swearing I’m going to do younger poems on 15WOL, but they never come out that way. You rock it (hehe, rocket, spaceship, get it?)!
Forget this night-time
bathroom trip.
Out in the hall-
Alien spaceship!
It could be kind of spooky, couldn’t it? As always, I love the childlike point of view you bring. I keep swearing I’m going to do younger poems on 15WOL, but they never come out that way. You rock it (hehe, rocket, spaceship, get it?)!
One glance,
and the Moon Dancer,
lured by the light
of civilization,
became lost.
~~Barbara J. Turner
Oh–a fable in 14 words. Amazing.
One glance,
and the Moon Dancer,
lured by the light
of civilization,
became lost.
~~Barbara J. Turner
Oh–a fable in 14 words. Amazing.
Shadows and light
playing together.
Which one is chasing
the other?
So much more poetic than a chicken and egg! Love it!
Shadows and light
playing together.
Which one is chasing
the other?
So much more poetic than a chicken and egg! Love it!
When I shut down my electrical sun
Then I know today is done.
© Charles Waters 2014 all rights reserved.
When I shut down my electrical sun
Then I know today is done.
© Charles Waters 2014 all rights reserved.