Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

A couple of weeks ago, Randy and I went to an exhibit called Martin Luther and the Reformation at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. It was great, but this picture is not from that. Afterward, we walked a few blocks on the treacherous sidewalks to go grab lunch in a neighborhood we’re hardly ever in. As we walked, we passed this house with these stone boar busts guarding it, like gargoyles. And one of them was wearing a party headband! This image makes me think of several things:
- It doesn’t take a lot to make something feel festive!
- Someone is even worse at choosing accessories than I am
- Mardi Gras for pigs
And here’s my first draft. I was thinking about how we make our own parties, our own experiences, largely by how we react to little, unimportant things in life. Like whether people are staring at our silly hat.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
38 Responses
Do you dare?
Enter here,
step with care
It’s Boar Day
Party animals beware!
Something about those eyes looks menacing to me too.
Love the ominous tone of the second and fourth lines, Linda!
Missed last week, but am back with a true first draft. Love the pic, Laura.
Cold, icy, bitter chill.
Stone-hearted needs: a FRILL !
Dazzle, sparkle!
Light the town!
Chill/frill — love it. And that second line got me laughing.
Oops, sent from my phone, the first line is supposed to line up with the rest of the poem. Thanks, Lauren.
You packed so many great words into this, Janet!
My brother made up a song with a pig in place of Rudolph — actually I was trying to make this boar a deer as soon as I saw it. He just looks like a deer who ran into a wall.
Rudolph’s Accident
On the rooftop;
Slipping, can’t stop!
Red nose is flat!
Lost Santa’s hat!
Oh how funny. Running into a wall would explain that nose.
Oh, Donna, I can see this happening! Good rhyming.
Love the way you have a whole story behind it, Donna!
Great pacing.
Love your poem’s positive attitude, Laura. I thought the boar looked angry.
Hey You, Passing By
My new hat bothers
behind the ear.
Please take it off …
Don’t leave me here!
Yeah, he does, doesn’t he. Once I look at the pic and decide what to write about, I rarely look at the image agin:>D I thought he was going to ask passersby to scratch behind his ear!
What a fun prompt. My mind jumped right to the annual Sunday extravaganza! Laura, I like the way you turned the proverbial lemon into lemonade; at least I THINK that’s the case.
Going Undercover
Big game coming
to your local telly.
I refuse to headline
at the local deli!
Oh, dear! Boar’s Head is two of my sisters’ favorite brand of deli meat! Love this.
Love this one. It’s so clever and surprising.
I agree with the others here, love the Boar’s head, telly, deli thing and I did not get it until Laura mentioned it. My favorite, too. Really clever, poem, Martha.
Thank you Janet. In hindsight. I should have been more specific before the rhyme by actually using the term Super Bowl and food. Now I’ll always smile when I see the big sign above a deli counter.
With the picture and maybe Superbowl in the title, this is great and I LOVE that I just didn’t get it (Boar’s Head), that’s what poetry is all about. Paying attention. !!!!!!! And Boar’s Head is my fav too and I can’t buy it easily where I live!!!!
Undercover — oh that is too funny. I like telly/deli.
Miss Manners Says…
When accepting invitations,
Consider host and guests.
If hosted by Medusa,
best to send regrets.
Ha ha, That Medusa.….I like your wise advise, Michelle.
Heehee. Yes! This feels familiar–did you write it for this, or is this an existing poem of yours, Michelle?
I wrote it for this, Laura.. and had a heck of a time getting it down to 15 words! But it did get the wheels turning for a possible collection. Who knows, maybe it seems familiar because someone’s already done it!
Phil’s Stumpside Chat
A stony face
masks mocking eyes–
he sees a shadow
and snowy skies.
Nice salute to the day! I think we all have stony faces thinking about more winter.
“Stony face”–nice!
You wear a sneer
but I don’t fear.
Your hat wiggles,
I stifle giggles.
Yes! Such a contrast between the boar and the hat:>)
Glad the sidewalks didn’t do a gotcha, Laura!
The exhibit sounds important.
And how fun to find a new lunch place + grab a 15 words or less catalyst.
How It Is Here
Your headgear dropped.
Our policy is clear:
“Items left, become
street photographs.
No argument, dear.”
Heehee. Love that–especially the voice of the last line.
Mama always said
It’s frightfully garish
To wear bright clothes
Learn to accessorize.
I think it’s a party too.
Ha–Mama’s always right:>)
soon to
feet be
in rubber
Yes, this shouts Spring, with those colorful pom moms. Wonderful list.
A Pig with a Big Flat Nose
I’m not pretty
(so sad)
but must you
make me a clown?
(so mad)
Comment to everyone: My day got in my way, thus a big shout out to everyone for your creative interpretations of the prompt. I love them all.