Dr. Louis Pasternak Skullstench: Stealth Poet
Poetry Assignment #19: The Persona Poem
One Fine Spine–For Now
I’m the spine
of the book,
the backbone,
the side.
I stand like
a soldier
and act like
a guide.
But as soon as
you buy me,
I’ll split, crack,
and ache
when you warp and
deform me
and make my
back break!
When you told us to be careful with books and not break the spines, that gave me the idea for this. Thanks!
Well, thank you, Louis. I’m happy to have inspired a poem that encourages students to handle books carefully. I’m glad you’re so sympathetic to their aching spines.
Stealth Operation Update: “Bald Truth” did NOT get read on Good Day, Ridgeway. The cafeteria ladies tore up my cafeteria quatrains. (Isn’t there a school rule against tearing up someone else’s work?) And The Whole Hog Bottling Company has not answered my email. So far, my Stealth Operations are an epic fail.
After lunch, Miss S caught me in the hallway. “Louis, I have the perfect talent share job for you!”
Finally! She must have changed her mind about the armpit band!
“You can be the MC.”
“The MC?” What the heck was an MC?
“The Master of Ceremonies,” she said.
That cleared everything right up.
Miss Sweetmallow sighed. “The person who runs the show, Louis. You would keep the show going. You would thank everyone for coming, introduce each act…” Miss Sweetmallow trailed off, and there was a sort of painful look in her eyes.
I pictured myself introducing one boring act after another. Great. What a job.
I could make the talent share MUCH more interesting.
Miss Sweetmallow said, “Or maybe–”
“I’ll do it!” I said.
Miss Sweetmallow nodded. “Great,” she said, in a voice that didn’t sound all that excited.