Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

Thank you for your continued kindness and support regarding my mom’s passing. I wish my dad was online and could have the kind of warm, embracing community that I have.
I attended a drum corps show in Farmington, MN, a couple of weeks ago, and I finally got to see the Minnesota Brass show. This year’s show is Now Boarding, all about the early years of popular commercial flight. I’ve been very uninvolved this season, with little time or energy to volunteer. But it was so great to see people and enjoy a night of music and performances and catching up. This image makes me think of:
- a party of fireflies
- a parade
- a candelabra
And here’s my first draft.
Blanket statement for July/August. Hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Mine is overwhelmingly busy and emotional. When you Comment, I get an email, and I will be doing my best to read every poem you guys write. But my availability over the summer to comment on each poem will be limited. I hope you’ll write because you love it and enjoy this community. Please know I value your participation, even if I am not able to respond much this July and August.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count)
11 Responses
Laura, keeping you in my prayers.
The band has fun
out on the field.
Forget the game-
The band won’t yield!
Great title and rhyme. I love to watch the band.
It is good to see you back, Laura. Wishing you strength and calm with all you have going on.
In swirling,
the stars.
Good morning Laura. Happy to read that you enjoyed a little R&R.
Sky bluer
air crisper
sunlight wiggles
toward Fall
school grounds alive
with excitement
new beginnings.
They looked like a team setting out to capture some huge bugs in big nets, so I pictured a monstrous butterfly invasion, of course.
a net!
Super sized
Hovering over
Covering clover
What an interesting picture this week. The shape of your poem is flag like too, how clever!
They picked me,
I’m one of four
To carry a flag
With the flag corps.
I’ve been thinking of you, hoping you can find a bit of respite in these tough and busy weeks, Laura. I love the word “spinspark”!
Friday Nights
There’s flash in our dash down the green.
Notes soar, crowd roars! Football scene.
Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved
Laura hope that you are doing okay I love this pic and your poem
poem by Jessica Bigi
Golden flowing bubbles
beams of glowing moon
blueberry farriers marching
under skies firefly-stars
summer nights
Love the firefly glow of this picture!
Friday Nights in the Stands
football fans ignore
the half-time show;
marching-band supporters
clap, cheer,
Marching, Grand
The field is lit
by flame and star
Our footsteps
follow repertoire
-Pamela Ross
p.s. Continued hugs as you and your family mourn the loss of your beloved mom. No words could truly honor the wonder of a mother. xox