[15 Words or Less Poems] Sparkle & Cybils!

Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. BookSpeak has been given the Cybils award for Poetry! I am so honored that my peeps–poetry book-lovers of the kidlitosphere–chose BookSpeak for this, especially when all the?Finalists are such fantastic collections/ anthologies that I love. (And I’m super thrilled that Wonder, which I just read, won the Middle Grade category!)

OK. Deep breath. And now–back to our regularly scheduled programming! :>)

sparklePhoto: Janet Fagal

Wake up your poetry brains with 15 Words or Less (guidelines here)!

Today’s beautiful image comes to us courtesy of Janet Fagal, who was lounging down in Florida when she captured the magic. Here’s what this image?makes me think of:

1)?Fairy dust
2)?A polka-dotted jellyfish
3) Fireflies at our family reunion

And here’s my poem first draft:

Family Reunion
Our conversations twinkle
like fireflies,
sparks in darkness
of busy lives
–by Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved

What do you think of when you look at this picture? Take any quick idea and jot down a 15 Words or Less poem. It doesn’t have to rhyme or describe this picture. It’s just about whatever you think of when you look at it.

138 Responses

  1. Dull, dark lives
    Here comes Tinkerbell!
    Fairy dust spins
    And happiness flows

    I love your poem Ms. Salas! Also the picture is great, Mrs. Fagal! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!

  2. Dull, dark lives
    Here comes Tinkerbell!
    Fairy dust spins
    And happiness flows

    I love your poem Ms. Salas! Also the picture is great, Mrs. Fagal! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations, Laura! And, Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Valentine’s Day
    the mailman arrives early
    …sun between storms

    © Diane Mayr

    1. Thanks, Diane! This one says so much in so few words. That moment of joy/connection…it really is the sunshine in a world that can be pretty grey. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  4. Congratulations, Laura! And, Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Valentine’s Day
    the mailman arrives early
    …sun between storms

    © Diane Mayr

    1. Thanks, Diane! This one says so much in so few words. That moment of joy/connection…it really is the sunshine in a world that can be pretty grey. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  5. Firey undersea dandelions
    fed by ocean currants and dreams
    spill into sun, cascade and gleam.

    1. This is lovely, Janet. And that first line is a knockout–talk about three elements that should not go together: fire, underwater, and dandelions. But you put them together and they make this very dynamic, powerful image!

  6. Firey undersea dandelions
    fed by ocean currants and dreams
    spill into sun, cascade and gleam.

    1. This is lovely, Janet. And that first line is a knockout–talk about three elements that should not go together: fire, underwater, and dandelions. But you put them together and they make this very dynamic, powerful image!

  7. Happy Valentine’s Day all!! Love your poem, Laura. I can see your twinkling family with happy conversation and love. Amelia, I love the image of fairy dust spinning and happiness flowing! Diane, yes…those love notes are bright spots and your poems remind of going to my college mailbox waiting for letters from loved ones!

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day all!! Love your poem, Laura. I can see your twinkling family with happy conversation and love. Amelia, I love the image of fairy dust spinning and happiness flowing! Diane, yes…those love notes are bright spots and your poems remind of going to my college mailbox waiting for letters from loved ones!

  9. BOOKSPEAK rules!!! I am so THRILLED for you!!! Congratulations, Laura. It is a treasure trove of a book!! More than well-deserved.

  10. BOOKSPEAK rules!!! I am so THRILLED for you!!! Congratulations, Laura. It is a treasure trove of a book!! More than well-deserved.

  11. Congratulations! I’m happy for you.

    Loved your poem. It’s one of my favorites.

    Magic Tide
    The magic tide delivered
    a twinkling sprinkle of a wish
    before returning to the deep.
    ~Penny Klostermann

    Happy Valentines Day!

    1. I like the idea of the magic tide!! And your second line.…just the sounds of it are wonderful, but I love how they express the magic of the seaside or lakeside.

  12. Congratulations! I’m happy for you.

    Loved your poem. It’s one of my favorites.

    Magic Tide
    The magic tide delivered
    a twinkling sprinkle of a wish
    before returning to the deep.
    ~Penny Klostermann

    Happy Valentines Day!

    1. I like the idea of the magic tide!! And your second line.…just the sounds of it are wonderful, but I love how they express the magic of the seaside or lakeside.

  13. Congratulations Laura. BookSpeak is so deserving!
    Love your poem today — every word perfect.
    While I know today’s picture was made by the sun, it reminded me of something else:

    The Pleiades
    came to swim -
    starlight bright,
    sunlight dim.

    1. Thanks so much, ellie–I appreciate your words.

      And see how we both had family in our poems:>) I like that tug-of-war between your last two lines.

  14. Congratulations Laura. BookSpeak is so deserving!
    Love your poem today — every word perfect.
    While I know today’s picture was made by the sun, it reminded me of something else:

    The Pleiades
    came to swim -
    starlight bright,
    sunlight dim.

    1. Thanks so much, ellie–I appreciate your words.

      And see how we both had family in our poems:>) I like that tug-of-war between your last two lines.

    1. I love the idea of fallen stars and swaying us to look up. I like this, a lot, Liz.

    1. I love the idea of fallen stars and swaying us to look up. I like this, a lot, Liz.

  15. My Baby’s Face

    Freckles scattered
    across your tiny nose.
    Each one I kiss
    Sparkles, then glows.

    Congratulations Laura! Well done Cybils!
    Happy St. Valentine’s Day everyone.

    1. I just love how our minds go in such a variety of directions. This one is perfect for today seeing the twinkles as freckles on you baby’s nose. Feeling the love.

  16. My Baby’s Face

    Freckles scattered
    across your tiny nose.
    Each one I kiss
    Sparkles, then glows.

    Congratulations Laura! Well done Cybils!
    Happy St. Valentine’s Day everyone.

    1. I just love how our minds go in such a variety of directions. This one is perfect for today seeing the twinkles as freckles on you baby’s nose. Feeling the love.

  17. Woo Hoo!! Congrats on the Cybils award!!! What a wonderful honor!

    I loved your poem- brought back good memories of fun talk with family- a welcome respite in the whirlwind of life.

    A Magical Journey

    Over land and over sea,
    Sparkling transportation.
    Something very rarely seen-
    Fairies in migration!

    1. Ha! Clever! Love the idea of a faerie migration, too. That pretty much starts a story spinning, doesn’t it?

      Thanks so much for both the congrats and kind words.

  18. Woo Hoo!! Congrats on the Cybils award!!! What a wonderful honor!

    I loved your poem- brought back good memories of fun talk with family- a welcome respite in the whirlwind of life.

    A Magical Journey

    Over land and over sea,
    Sparkling transportation.
    Something very rarely seen-
    Fairies in migration!

    1. Ha! Clever! Love the idea of a faerie migration, too. That pretty much starts a story spinning, doesn’t it?

      Thanks so much for both the congrats and kind words.

  19. I love your take on the picture, Laura and huge congrats on the award. BookSpeak is wonderful!

    Listening to Andrea Bocelli
    Music drifts to the sea
    and rides the waves.

    1. Thanks, Catherine! I love that you named a specific musician here, since that puts a whole different spin on the poem than if you said, for instance, Mozart or Metallica.

  20. I love your take on the picture, Laura and huge congrats on the award. BookSpeak is wonderful!

    Listening to Andrea Bocelli
    Music drifts to the sea
    and rides the waves.

    1. Thanks, Catherine! I love that you named a specific musician here, since that puts a whole different spin on the poem than if you said, for instance, Mozart or Metallica.

  21. Congratulatlions Laura-so happy for you & for BookSpeak! A lovely Valentine’s Day gift! I so enjoy seeing how everyone looks at your pictures so differently, like your ‘family reunion’. They do sparkle, & liven us for weeks! Here’s my view of Janet’s beautiful photo.

    Tiny fairy mermaids
    caught in updraft!
    Camera seizes the image-
    my case for magic!

    1. Thank you, Linda–it’s the best Valentine’s Day ever! (My husband and I do a pretty low-key Valentine’s Day since our anniversary is just a week before it.)

      This poem sounds delicious. Something about the repeated gs and the cs…and that image of tiny fairy mermaids. Sigh. Takes me back to my childhood make-believe days.

  22. Congratulatlions Laura-so happy for you & for BookSpeak! A lovely Valentine’s Day gift! I so enjoy seeing how everyone looks at your pictures so differently, like your ‘family reunion’. They do sparkle, & liven us for weeks! Here’s my view of Janet’s beautiful photo.

    Tiny fairy mermaids
    caught in updraft!
    Camera seizes the image-
    my case for magic!

    1. Thank you, Linda–it’s the best Valentine’s Day ever! (My husband and I do a pretty low-key Valentine’s Day since our anniversary is just a week before it.)

      This poem sounds delicious. Something about the repeated gs and the cs…and that image of tiny fairy mermaids. Sigh. Takes me back to my childhood make-believe days.

    1. Okay, not sure why that posted twice. Let’s just chalk up to being so excited for you!

    1. Okay, not sure why that posted twice. Let’s just chalk up to being so excited for you!

  23. Beautiful photo! Looks like fireworks in the water.


    Ain’t no doubt
    Mama Nature’s got bling.
    If you ask her,
    she sniffs
    “This old thing?”

    On another note…CONGRATULATIONS on the Cybil!!! Very happy for you! BookSpeak is a special book indeed. 🙂

    1. I agree with Laura! Mother Nature with attitude. My goodness does she ever have attitude this year. And I adore her bling!!! (As long as the power stays on.)

  24. Beautiful photo! Looks like fireworks in the water.


    Ain’t no doubt
    Mama Nature’s got bling.
    If you ask her,
    she sniffs
    “This old thing?”

    On another note…CONGRATULATIONS on the Cybil!!! Very happy for you! BookSpeak is a special book indeed. 🙂

    1. I agree with Laura! Mother Nature with attitude. My goodness does she ever have attitude this year. And I adore her bling!!! (As long as the power stays on.)

  25. Stardust sparkles
    on summer pond,
    Tadpoles tumble
    newly spawned,
    Firefly casts
    its magic wand.

    So happy to hear about your cybil win! And your scholastic book club news! You’re sparkling and shining like this week’s picture.

    1. It has been an awesome week, that is for sure! I’m floating!

      Ooh, this is fantastic. So image-filled. This is one to submit, Buffy! (My two cents–I don’t think you need “on” in that second row.)

  26. Stardust sparkles
    on summer pond,
    Tadpoles tumble
    newly spawned,
    Firefly casts
    its magic wand.

    So happy to hear about your cybil win! And your scholastic book club news! You’re sparkling and shining like this week’s picture.

    1. It has been an awesome week, that is for sure! I’m floating!

      Ooh, this is fantastic. So image-filled. This is one to submit, Buffy! (My two cents–I don’t think you need “on” in that second row.)

  27. Star, Star,

    Down, up
    In, out
    NIght, day…
    They will stay

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

    1. I love how you took something so momentary, like light glittering on water, and turned it into a poem about things that stay, that remain. Beautiful:>) And happy Valentine’s Day!

    2. I like your simplicity of words painting a picture, Sophia. I am so glad the stars will stay. We need all kinds of stars in our lives.

  28. Star, Star,

    Down, up
    In, out
    NIght, day…
    They will stay

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

    1. I love how you took something so momentary, like light glittering on water, and turned it into a poem about things that stay, that remain. Beautiful:>) And happy Valentine’s Day!

    2. I like your simplicity of words painting a picture, Sophia. I am so glad the stars will stay. We need all kinds of stars in our lives.

    1. So poignant, Pamela. I’m not sure whether it’s joy or death or love that brings this renewed youthk because it works all three ways. That final line is a single scrumptious word…

    1. So poignant, Pamela. I’m not sure whether it’s joy or death or love that brings this renewed youthk because it works all three ways. That final line is a single scrumptious word…

  29. Huge congrats, Laura–such a wonderful book! 🙂

    I’m a bit late to the 15 Words party, but here you go:

    Sometimes when
    nothing matters and
    life is a dark sea
    hope sparkles
    on the water

  30. Huge congrats, Laura–such a wonderful book! 🙂

    I’m a bit late to the 15 Words party, but here you go:

    Sometimes when
    nothing matters and
    life is a dark sea
    hope sparkles
    on the water

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