Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

Thank you for your continued kindness and support regarding my mom’s passing. I wish my dad was online and could have the kind of warm, embracing community that I have.
This image I took of a spiderweb stitched with raindrops after a storm makes me think of:
- how a bit of rain dripping off a roof would be like a waterfall to a spider
- a veil made of water
- a really refreshing soft drink
And here’s my first draft.
Blanket statement for July/August. Hope you’re having a wonderful summer. Mine is overwhelmingly busy and emotional. When you Comment, I get an email, and I will be doing my best to read every poem you guys write. But my availability over the summer to comment on each poem will be limited. I hope you’ll write because you love it and enjoy this community. Please know I value your participation, even if I am not able to respond much this July and August.
Today, specifically, I am sort of in a hotel, sort of at our new townhouse overseeing flooring and painting work (hopefully–ack). I don’t know if I’ll have Wi-Fi, though I do know there won’t be any furniture yet at our new place. But, it could be worse. Although I’m not responding to Comments, I really do appreciate every one of them. I look forward to getting back to actual conversations after summer.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count)
8 Responses
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Laura, as you life undergoes so many changes. I love your last line and this picture.
Hose in hand
against the heat,
my garden grows
good things to eat.
Yes, those plants do need more water in this ninety degree temperature. Our temperatures have been 91, 92 for last few days and we’re in the mountains. !!
Don’t try to hold back the storms:
Sunny days
are shinier
after a
Beautiful picture, Laura.
I like this, Donna. A beautiful thought in few words. Nice.
Best wishes to you, Laura, as you go through all these changes. It sounds overwhelming to me, but I know you will get through it all.
The picture today really grabbed me. You sure take some interesting photos.
Looking Outside
Rain has speckled my window screen,
so all I can see are shades of green.
Good luck with your move, Laura–hope it all goes as smoothly as possible and that you are settled soon!
The Weaver
Hidden beneath her silky veil,
weaver weighs
each fluttering sway–
falling rain or
trembling prey?
Good morning all and I think everyone did a good job with your description/interaction with the picture. Laura, I loved “spiderweb stitched with raindrops.” I was away yesterday but would like to weigh in today.
A Toast to a Leaf
Gossamer veil
happy attendees
corks pop
bubbles fizz;
Do leaves burp?
Misty drizzles of rainwater
quench the parched throats
from this year’s harvest.
© Charles Waters 2016 all rights reserved.