[15 words or less poems] Tickets!

Photo: Laura Purdie Salas

Wake up your poetry brains with 15 Words or Less (guidelines here)!

Aren’t tickets fun? They mean something is going to happen!?Here’s what this image?makes me think of:

1)?Magic show
2)?Bag filled with memories
3) The old tickets Disney World had when I was growing up (“I’m almost out of E tickets!” All the good rides required E tickets.)

And here’s my poem first draft:

T Minus Ten
Slip a ticket
in your pocket.
Red rocketship
counts down to
–by Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved

What do you think of when you look at this picture? Take any quick idea and jot down a 15 Words or Less poem. It doesn’t have to rhyme or describe this picture. Just?look at this picture and say, “This makes me think of _________.” Fill in the blank and write about THAT!

176 Responses

      1. Yes! I wonder what the coat looked like, who went, etc. Reminds me of my favorite childhoon movie, on a loop in the NYC area when I was a child (Million Dollar Movie) called “Portrait of Jennie”.

    1. What a lovely frozen moment, and it evokes so much thought. That show I just went to last night–who will remember it? Will I? Will it be a highlight or just a faded wisp of memory? Will this ticket outlive me?

      1. Yes! I wonder what the coat looked like, who went, etc. Reminds me of my favorite childhoon movie, on a loop in the NYC area when I was a child (Million Dollar Movie) called “Portrait of Jennie”.

    1. What a lovely frozen moment, and it evokes so much thought. That show I just went to last night–who will remember it? Will I? Will it be a highlight or just a faded wisp of memory? Will this ticket outlive me?


    A chance
    to step beyond
    whatever held you back.
    Now grab your bags and pack!

    1. In a way, I have inadvertently copied you, like I copied Laura. How funny that we three saw tickets as journey, and for you and I, an escape. I enjoyed your rhyme, as always!


    A chance
    to step beyond
    whatever held you back.
    Now grab your bags and pack!

    1. In a way, I have inadvertently copied you, like I copied Laura. How funny that we three saw tickets as journey, and for you and I, an escape. I enjoyed your rhyme, as always!

    1. Reminds me, Sohia, of the saying, “there is no such thing as a free lunch”! Tickets can take us to so many places. But poor tickets.….they want their freedom, too!

    1. Reminds me, Sohia, of the saying, “there is no such thing as a free lunch”! Tickets can take us to so many places. But poor tickets.….they want their freedom, too!

  3. One-way trip — Moon, Mars.
    Rocketship to far stars!
    Which ticket best
    before tomorrow’s math test?

    Sorry Laura. I seem to have copied you, but after working so hard to pare down to 15 words, I am posting anyway. Loved yours!

    1. Ha! A ticket anywhere that’s escape the test. Love that. Great how it starts out as pure adventure and then is revealed as running away. I’m so glad you posted–it’s fun to see not only the differences in what we all come up with, but also the similarities!

    2. I know so many who would love your poem and pay big bucks for the ticket get-away. And just wait until the new tests begin. I always wonder, when a child fails to “get it” who is at fault? Child, adult, math book and its creators? .……usually some combination.…..though math should not engender fear in so many.… you made me think today, ellie.

  4. One-way trip — Moon, Mars.
    Rocketship to far stars!
    Which ticket best
    before tomorrow’s math test?

    Sorry Laura. I seem to have copied you, but after working so hard to pare down to 15 words, I am posting anyway. Loved yours!

    1. Ha! A ticket anywhere that’s escape the test. Love that. Great how it starts out as pure adventure and then is revealed as running away. I’m so glad you posted–it’s fun to see not only the differences in what we all come up with, but also the similarities!

    2. I know so many who would love your poem and pay big bucks for the ticket get-away. And just wait until the new tests begin. I always wonder, when a child fails to “get it” who is at fault? Child, adult, math book and its creators? .……usually some combination.…..though math should not engender fear in so many.… you made me think today, ellie.

    1. I have vivid memories of the few times I went to the circus as a child and young adult. Love them. Your poem brings them back, so thank you. Extravanganzas to simpler versions. Those tightrope walkers and acrobats really are great athletes. And thank you very much, I want the tigers in the cage, please.

      1. Ok, so now I am onto thinking “life” and “life’s stages”.…..your poem is now taking me in a totally different direction.…you know, gripping the cane in old age.….hanging on for as long as you can. Bursting forth in birth in part 1. Etc. Fun. Glad I have time today to savor, think and enjoy.

    1. I have vivid memories of the few times I went to the circus as a child and young adult. Love them. Your poem brings them back, so thank you. Extravanganzas to simpler versions. Those tightrope walkers and acrobats really are great athletes. And thank you very much, I want the tigers in the cage, please.

      1. Ok, so now I am onto thinking “life” and “life’s stages”.…..your poem is now taking me in a totally different direction.…you know, gripping the cane in old age.….hanging on for as long as you can. Bursting forth in birth in part 1. Etc. Fun. Glad I have time today to savor, think and enjoy.

  5. Laura, I immediately thought of E‑tickets when I saw the photo!

    They Say

    They say ?he?s my ticket?
    to fame and fortune but
    he?s my ticket to happiness.

    –Kate Coombs (Book Aunt)

  6. Laura, I immediately thought of E‑tickets when I saw the photo!

    They Say

    They say ?he?s my ticket?
    to fame and fortune but
    he?s my ticket to happiness.

    –Kate Coombs (Book Aunt)

  7. A dusty ticket
    stub sits,
    silently holding
    stuffed away
    like childhood.
    Murmurs its

    1. Yes! I never save ticket stubs, but when I come across one stuffed into an old purse or something, it’s amazing what it brings back. I love “stuffed away / like childhood.”

  8. A dusty ticket
    stub sits,
    silently holding
    stuffed away
    like childhood.
    Murmurs its

    1. Yes! I never save ticket stubs, but when I come across one stuffed into an old purse or something, it’s amazing what it brings back. I love “stuffed away / like childhood.”

    1. This makes me think of Van Allsburg’s book (movie) Jumanji!! A tad scary letting the dice/game decide. As a kid I preferred the Tunnel of Love (with my sister and mother, mind you).…something non-scary. So it is good to be living “poetically vicariously” or is it vicariously poetically, in my imagination.

      1. Now reading later.…the game of life. Choices.…we are the dice. Love how your poem is making me think deeper.

    2. Oooh, I hear a spooky carnie shouting this out. Or maybe it’s Ray Bradbury, as this makes me think of Something Wicked This Way Comes…

    1. This makes me think of Van Allsburg’s book (movie) Jumanji!! A tad scary letting the dice/game decide. As a kid I preferred the Tunnel of Love (with my sister and mother, mind you).…something non-scary. So it is good to be living “poetically vicariously” or is it vicariously poetically, in my imagination.

      1. Now reading later.…the game of life. Choices.…we are the dice. Love how your poem is making me think deeper.

    2. Oooh, I hear a spooky carnie shouting this out. Or maybe it’s Ray Bradbury, as this makes me think of Something Wicked This Way Comes…

  9. Hi Laura‑I like those first lines-‘slip a ticket/in your pocket’-brings up many memories at my own childhood theme park. How many could we afford to buy? How would we spend them?

    Here’s mine-takes another path.

    My ticket-
    nearly missed it.
    Grabbed fast;
    show won?t last.
    Want to see
    Life?s Mystery.

    1. Ooh, a different path indeed. Love the combo of melancholy and joy. My favorite songs and poems all seem to have that–the fleetingness of life and of things, and the importance of savoring them while you can…

    2. I have a funny story your poem brought back to me immediately.…those near misses.…well.…was heading to Beatles Love in Vegas with two poetry-loving teacher friends, paid good bucks for our tix, headed to the hotel via cab, grabbed a bite to eat, thinking we had plenty of time. Suddenly from nowhere, I remembered the show started at 7:30 and not 8pm. We hustled and made it on time. The mystery? .….what made me check the time???? The relief for me was palpable!!

      1. In mine, I was thinking of life, but from your memory, Janet, I am reminded that we actually missed a show once because we had bought the tickets so far in advance we forgot about it-pricey tickets too. Lesson was learned! Thanks for the memory!

        1. Well, now that I am pointing in a more metaphorical direction (thank you, Linda, for helping!) I am also reminded about what they say about enjoy your kids they grow up so fast. You know.…I also say.…..how is it I am X years old? Where did it go? I don’t really feel all that different.….I will ponder yours some more. So much variety once again from a bowl of tickets! A slice of life? Enjoying the poems and the comments again today! Thanks everyone.

  10. Hi Laura‑I like those first lines-‘slip a ticket/in your pocket’-brings up many memories at my own childhood theme park. How many could we afford to buy? How would we spend them?

    Here’s mine-takes another path.

    My ticket-
    nearly missed it.
    Grabbed fast;
    show won?t last.
    Want to see
    Life?s Mystery.

    1. Ooh, a different path indeed. Love the combo of melancholy and joy. My favorite songs and poems all seem to have that–the fleetingness of life and of things, and the importance of savoring them while you can…

    2. I have a funny story your poem brought back to me immediately.…those near misses.…well.…was heading to Beatles Love in Vegas with two poetry-loving teacher friends, paid good bucks for our tix, headed to the hotel via cab, grabbed a bite to eat, thinking we had plenty of time. Suddenly from nowhere, I remembered the show started at 7:30 and not 8pm. We hustled and made it on time. The mystery? .….what made me check the time???? The relief for me was palpable!!

      1. In mine, I was thinking of life, but from your memory, Janet, I am reminded that we actually missed a show once because we had bought the tickets so far in advance we forgot about it-pricey tickets too. Lesson was learned! Thanks for the memory!

        1. Well, now that I am pointing in a more metaphorical direction (thank you, Linda, for helping!) I am also reminded about what they say about enjoy your kids they grow up so fast. You know.…I also say.…..how is it I am X years old? Where did it go? I don’t really feel all that different.….I will ponder yours some more. So much variety once again from a bowl of tickets! A slice of life? Enjoying the poems and the comments again today! Thanks everyone.

  11. Roll up!
    Roll up!

    I think I’ve been Pennyfied lol.

    1. Oh, the jingle‑y feeling I get once again. But I want to WIN the lottery. That is why I don’t play too often. I don’t feel lucky enough, but maybe if I recite your fun poem, Catherine, just before I buy the ticket.…well…who knows, maybe your poem will bring me luck. And it will be a lot more fun to part with my dollars.

  12. Roll up!
    Roll up!

    I think I’ve been Pennyfied lol.

    1. Oh, the jingle‑y feeling I get once again. But I want to WIN the lottery. That is why I don’t play too often. I don’t feel lucky enough, but maybe if I recite your fun poem, Catherine, just before I buy the ticket.…well…who knows, maybe your poem will bring me luck. And it will be a lot more fun to part with my dollars.

  13. Multiple Meanings
    carnival rides
    Sweet Million
    Mickey’s World
    tickets to SMILE

    1. At least your meanings are all positive! After I wrote this post, I thought, “Oh, speeding tickets!” Not su much joy in those:>) I like Oscars and carnival rides right next to each other.

    2. You know those big Powerball lottery tickets, the ones where you win ubermillions? The time you buy it and dream, before you find out what you already know…you are not going to win.….but you dream about what you would do? w
      Well your poem brought back some of that fun for me. And the golden one from Willie Wonka’s world!!

  14. Multiple Meanings
    carnival rides
    Sweet Million
    Mickey’s World
    tickets to SMILE

    1. At least your meanings are all positive! After I wrote this post, I thought, “Oh, speeding tickets!” Not su much joy in those:>) I like Oscars and carnival rides right next to each other.

    2. You know those big Powerball lottery tickets, the ones where you win ubermillions? The time you buy it and dream, before you find out what you already know…you are not going to win.….but you dream about what you would do? w
      Well your poem brought back some of that fun for me. And the golden one from Willie Wonka’s world!!

  15. Tickets

    Tickets- the keys to worlds of fun
    Magic, rides, amusement-park -
    TIckets- joy for everyone

    Not my best poem, but my favorite of my attempts for this morning. Nice picture! I love your poem, Ms. Salas!

    1. I think of joy and a ferris wheel, being up high atop a city or town on a summer’s night. Your poem brought me to that place. Thanks, Amelia.

    2. It is magic, isn’t it? We still have one old park in Denver with those old neon lights advertising the rides. And tickets too. You reminded me of this park, & old ones when I was a child.

  16. Tickets

    Tickets- the keys to worlds of fun
    Magic, rides, amusement-park -
    TIckets- joy for everyone

    Not my best poem, but my favorite of my attempts for this morning. Nice picture! I love your poem, Ms. Salas!

    1. I think of joy and a ferris wheel, being up high atop a city or town on a summer’s night. Your poem brought me to that place. Thanks, Amelia.

    2. It is magic, isn’t it? We still have one old park in Denver with those old neon lights advertising the rides. And tickets too. You reminded me of this park, & old ones when I was a child.

  17. A ticket or a chance?
    With one you?re in;
    The other, pie-in-the-sky,
    A song-and-dance.

    (I admit it…I’m a bit of a let’s-string-and-hyphenate cheat today!)

  18. A ticket or a chance?
    With one you?re in;
    The other, pie-in-the-sky,
    A song-and-dance.

    (I admit it…I’m a bit of a let’s-string-and-hyphenate cheat today!)

    1. Interesting. That last line made me think about how we insure against things–death, disability, accidents, etc. So insuring against the future makes me think about how 1) even lottery winners end up dead or in trouble–with no future, and 2) putting all your hope (and paycheck) in a lottery ticket almost guarantees you won’t have the future you want. Probably not at all what you had in mind, but there ya go!

    1. Interesting. That last line made me think about how we insure against things–death, disability, accidents, etc. So insuring against the future makes me think about how 1) even lottery winners end up dead or in trouble–with no future, and 2) putting all your hope (and paycheck) in a lottery ticket almost guarantees you won’t have the future you want. Probably not at all what you had in mind, but there ya go!

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