Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
If you stopped by for just the poem, here it is:>) I shared this (just the text) MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO on my blog. Wow. Double-click on the image to see it larger and/or download a printable .pdf.
I also have felt so much love in my kidlit world this past week and wanted to share with you 4 gifts from this week:
Lola Schaefer gifted me a copy of the Farsi edition of her creative nonfiction picture book Lifetime . I’m going to send it to the Kofinou refugee camp, where it will likely be the only book a family has in their native language. We had a nice conversation about what to do with those single extra copies of foreign editions we get. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a steady way I could send books to the refugee camp and set up a little library for the kids there. The cost of shipping books is the obstacle. (I mailed our daughter a four-pound package a couple of months ago, and it was more than $70–yikes!)
Buffy Silverman sent me a copy of her forthcoming rhyming picture book, On a Snow-Melting Day. What I treasure even more than the wonderful book is her accompanying note thanking me for the ways I’ve shared information with her or encouraged her over the years. She ended with, “You’ve made a difference in my journey, and I appreciate it!” Well, that is going in my “bad day” folder! And it reminds me I need to reach out and similarly express my thanks to others!
Tuesday, my writing group had our annual holiday gathering/critique session. These folks mean more to me with each passing year!

And yesterday, I got an email from a technology teacher at Yealey Elementary School in Kentucky. His second-grade students have been making book commercials! Lerner donated a couple copies of my Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle, and look at this charming video :>) Teachers, you do not know the joy it brings to writers and illustrators when you react to our books or use our books as a jumping off point for your own activities and then you share them online and with us. It is truly an awesome gift.
I’m feeling very blessed for all these gifts and for all of you guys! For more terrific poetry, don’t miss the Poetry Friday Roundup with the warm and wonderful Liz Steinglass!
16 Responses
Feeling the joy and happy to see that it has filled your sails. Happy holidays to you!
We all need teachers like Miss Robb. It’s also lovely to have a group of writing comrades who love and support one another, and it’s clear you’ve had both, Laura. Thanks for the reminder that I should bee showing a bit more gratitude to my writing family. They truly make all the difference.
This feels so good to read! So much good and so much appreciation.
So much goodness here, and I echo Buffy’s feelings of gratitude to YOU, dear Laura, for all the ways you inform and inspire us. Thank you! And that commercial!!! Great job. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love all your thankyous, Laura, & certainly you are an inspiration to me, too. So, thank you! That poem’s ending is the sweetest. I now wish for teachers like Ms Rob for my granddaughters!
I’ve had teachers like Ms. Rob, teachers that made such a difference to me. So much to be grateful for! Happy Holidays to you.
So, Janice, did I meet you at NCTE in the Notables session?
Aw shucks, Laura. Glad my note and book were appreciated. And Ms. Rob’s poem has aged well–surely the type of teacher we wish for all kiddos.
Thank you for sharing all this holiday happiness! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com
I agree with Buffy. Your encouragement has kept so many of us going, and the information you’ve shared is priceless. Thank you so much!
And your card/notes were more lovely things over the past couple of weeks, Linda!
Loved your poem! The heart of a good teacher. And I spy a face I know in your crit-group… and it isn’t just yours! (Waving to you and Tracy, too.) Cost of shipping overseas is prohibitive — but I do so love your idea. I hope you find a way to share your treasures with families in refugee camps.
Thank you for sharing your joy and gratitude—your post overflows with both. Along with Buffy, I also appreciate your generosity and encouragement.
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Thank you for sharing your joy with us, Laura! So much goodness here. And I strive to be Ms. Rob each and every day. Cheers!
Thanks for this overflowing rich post Laura–I love the holler and cheer at the end of your poem, and the wonderful book review by this up and coming critic–terrific!