Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

Here’s Randy in front of a dome near our old home. It’s used to create a wind tunnel for fluid dynamics testing. We drove by it for a year or more before we finally walked over and checked it out, following up with a bit of online research on the company to see what exactly it was and what it was used for!
This image makes me think of several things:
- Space Mountain and EPCOT
- golf ball
- walking downtown in Minneapolis on a grey, windy day
And here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
25 Responses
Oh, that wind! So mischievous 😉 .
I saw
God’s Everlasting Gobstopper
Sun rays
mountain highs
valleys low
candy clouds
blizzard snow
I have a super busy day today.…not sure I can get back for comments. I’ll try!
Linda, this is stunning. Our earth is so amazingly beautiful–love your playful title, too!
PS Your comments are always lovely and welcome, but don’t feel bad if you don’t get to them today!
This morning after seeing your post, I saw this video on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/ChannelNewsAsia/videos/10155341196672934/
in a wind tunnel?
Spin and twirl
on pure air!
Hear me
Oh Margaret I love the idea of dancing on the wind. Just lovely.
Laura, just returned from Chicago and my grandson’s wedding. First time there and loved it. Still smiling after reading your poem. Perfection, again! My first thought was “tethered.”
Hot air balloon
tethered in place,
might this be
a launch into space?
Not me!
Yes it does look like a balloon tethered in place. Wouldn’t want to fly that in the windy city. I just viewed the video you posted…amazing!
I’ve read about space balloons–wonder if they will really come true. Ha on your last line! I adore Chicago–glad you had a great time!
After I saw your post I saw this video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChannelNewsAsia/videos/10155341196672934/
in a wind tunnel?
Spin and twirl
on pure air!
Hear me
Wow! I’ve seen that activity before, but never at that level. That is amazing! I love the “on pure air” phrase. Seems impossible! And I want to try this.
when me and my sister were younger we visited our older sister I in Westcon in the summers out her window in a distance there was a blue water tower
Poem By Jessica Bigi
As A Child I Imagined Ozz
Age Seven
My sisters Window
Dorothy Balloon ride
blue lions create rooms
drawn on Westcon skies
Love this image and your poem, Laura!
I’m sharing my
Butterfly pause
Iridescent wings
Breezy flight now
What joy this brings!
Butterfly pause — I love that line, because I can read it several different ways. It could be a noun, a statement of what happens, a command. That first line makes me want to read the rest of the poem:>)
Poem by Jessica Bigi
When I Was Younger
I Imagined Ozz
Age seven
Sisters Window
Dorothy’s Balloon ride
Blue lions crest rooms
Drawn on Westcon skies
create instead of crest
Isn’t it amazing how the iconic images in some of these classic films stays with us?
Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wind tunnel before. I love the last line in your Downtown Wind poem, I can just see those papers scattering and caps flying off in the wind. I also chose to write about the wind, but that dome got me wondering if it had all the wind, then where was ours?
Who stole the wind?
The wind has vanished,
a tempest lost.
Sails lie limp
on this sea of glass.
What a great concept! I especially love your second line, Jean!
Since I’m a little unclear about wind tunnels for fluid dynamics, I played with other tunnels!
tunnel of shadows
tunnel of trees
tunnel through mountains,
beneath stormy seas
Yeah, I’m unclear on that myself, despite my engineer father’s best efforts to educate me:) I really enjoyed the sort of surreal feel to your poem, even though that uses very simple words. Or maybe surreal is the wrong word. It makes me feel like I’m in an epic adventure like The Hobbit or something!
Poem By Jessica Bigi
windy pipes
of Iris flutes
windy tunnels
of noted breezes
poem by Jessica Bigi
When I Was Younger
I Imagined Ozz
Age seven
Sisters Window
Dorothy’s Balloon ride
Blue lions create rooms
Drawn on Wisconsin skies
Laura, your poem is perfect!
the one that didn’t get away
countless millions of
glimmery shimmery ideas
free for the taking
–caught just one
It’s autumn, so you’d thinking I’d be in the mode of harvesting, not planting. But then, fall scatters seeds!
—Kate Coombs