
Day 13: The Nature of Wolves
Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.) Three things before I get to today’s poem: 1) Mark your calendars for the virtual event on April 25! Meet 8 creators, 9 books, and have a chance to win a free book (8 chances to win!)! Click the graphic for more info. Would love

Teachers–Meet the Authors!
I’m popping in for a quick Classroom Connections so that you don’t miss hearing about two things. First up, I was part of a Legit KidLit interview on Saturday morning, and it’s live now! Meet me and three other others! We answered questions about our recent books (I was chatting about Finding Family), drew silly

Day 12: Soft Secrets
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] My sister Patty is visiting! As usual, we’ve made enormous

Day 11: The Cold Is Slipping Away
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] And…here’s the part where the practice starts to feel wearying.

Day 10: The Bull
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] April has been a whirlwind so far! I’m working on

Day 9: Tough Trees
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] First I adore trees so much. In my writing studio,

Day 8: The Tentacle of Want
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] First off, I’m having SO much fun seeing how your

Day 7: Surging Across Always
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] Ooh. This one was fun. It just kind of flowed

Day 6: Sky Lessons
Two quick things before today’s poem! 1) Mark your calendars for the virtual event on April 25. Meet 8 creators, 9 books, and have a chance to win a free book! Click the graphic for more info: 2) At Picture Book Builders, the awesome Jill Esbaum has an interview with me about writing Finding Family.

Day 5: Among Dolphins
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] One of my very favorite childhood memories is swimming with

Day 4: Take a Little Piece of My Heart
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] I am SO loving seeing what y’all come up with!

Day 3: Batter Up!
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] All right, yesterday I admitted I don’t love snails, and

Day 2: Before and After a Snail
Happy almost National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] If I’m super honest, snails aren’t my all-time favorite

Day 1: Hey, Baby!
Happy National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing fresh each day. The black text is the same each day:>) ] Whee! I’m so glad National Poetry Month is here! Did

Ready for National Poetry Month 2023? Start now!
It’s Poetry Friday, but I’m doing a separate Poetry Friday post so as not to overwhelm you with too many things! Happy almost National Poetry Month 2023! Curious about what I’m doing? Want to play along? Read more here. [Heads-up: If you’re visiting regularly, please know that the bold, blue text is what I’m writing
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Go to my Poetry page for:
- National Poetry Month projects through the years
- Small Reads Roundups (poems grouped by topic)
- Introductions to several favorite poetry forms