Poetry Friday — A Daughter Can Be…

Happy Poetry Friday! I don’t often write poems or verses for specific people. Well, I do, occasionally, but I don’t give it to them–I’m too self-conscious to do that. I’ve written poems for/about both my daughters but don’t think I’ve ever shared them. However, inspired by Renee LaTulippe’s lovely take on my Can Be… books last week, I decided to write a Can Be… poem for our younger daughter, Maddie, who left Wednesday for six months in Scotland. Six. Months. I also wrote her a letter sharing what specific memories I was thinking of as I wrote each line. Although many of the memories, like the way she wore her first communion dress when we went out to fancy dinners for years after her first communion, and the dress kept getting shorter and shorter on her, are, by now, family legend. Anyway, I gave her this laminated photo/poem to take with her.

This was so much fun–thank you, Renee, for inspiring me to actually share a poem written for someone I love. It doesn’t flow as smoothly as a Can Be… book would have to, but the memories it captures make up for that in this case.

Maddie Can Be...
Photo of Maddie by Dack Nehring Text by Laura Purdie Salas All rights reserved

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater (I love FOREST HAS A SONG!) has a really heartfelt poem on her blog, where she is hosting the Poetry Friday Roundup at The Poem Farm today. Enjoy:>)




80 Responses

    1. Thank you, Tina! She’s doing a semester of school and then 2–3 months of a mission trip, all through YWAM (Youth With a Mission).

    1. Thank you, Tina! She’s doing a semester of school and then 2–3 months of a mission trip, all through YWAM (Youth With a Mission).

  1. So hard for parents to say good-bye, but so exciting too, for her, and for you. I guess you’d better visit sometime soon! Exciting times perhaps in Scotland now too. Every line is beautiful, but because of your ‘water’ connection, , I love “Mermaid in water/cherished daughter”, Laura.

    1. Thanks, Linda–I’m better now that the saying goodbye part is done! We always used to call Maddie the little fish girl or mermaid. She swam so early–competent but splashing. Once a lifeguard jumped in to “save” her and nearly gave her a heart attack:)

  2. So hard for parents to say good-bye, but so exciting too, for her, and for you. I guess you’d better visit sometime soon! Exciting times perhaps in Scotland now too. Every line is beautiful, but because of your ‘water’ connection, , I love “Mermaid in water/cherished daughter”, Laura.

    1. Thanks, Linda–I’m better now that the saying goodbye part is done! We always used to call Maddie the little fish girl or mermaid. She swam so early–competent but splashing. Once a lifeguard jumped in to “save” her and nearly gave her a heart attack:)

  3. GAH! Mushy Mamma Moment! (We need to make that a “thing.”) And this is just gorgeous and sweet and touching, Laura. What a beautiful photo of Maddie. It’s so easy to tell just from the pics you post what a sweet and joyous girl she is, and I imagine she will touch many lives in a positive way. This adventure is so important for her. I’m so glad you gave her your beautiful poem and letter; she will be comforted to have a bit of Mamma with her. Hang in there! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Renee–you really inspired me to be more brave with my poetry! Maddie IS joyful, and I loved combing through memories to write this for her…

  4. GAH! Mushy Mamma Moment! (We need to make that a “thing.”) And this is just gorgeous and sweet and touching, Laura. What a beautiful photo of Maddie. It’s so easy to tell just from the pics you post what a sweet and joyous girl she is, and I imagine she will touch many lives in a positive way. This adventure is so important for her. I’m so glad you gave her your beautiful poem and letter; she will be comforted to have a bit of Mamma with her. Hang in there! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Renee–you really inspired me to be more brave with my poetry! Maddie IS joyful, and I loved combing through memories to write this for her…

  5. What a gorgeous gift…and with the letter too. Thank you, Laura, for giving us this peek. You’ve written a poem that is both loving and lovely, and to know that you inspired Renee inspired you back again is just cool. I love this community! Many happy goodnesses to sweet Maddie! Happy Poetry Friday…

    1. Thanks, Amy–when I have mentioned you or your work in front of Maddie, she always says, “Oh, the really nice lady at the party in New Orleans?” 🙂 giving poetry to someone you love is terrifying. So glad Renee’s post made me do it.

  6. What a gorgeous gift…and with the letter too. Thank you, Laura, for giving us this peek. You’ve written a poem that is both loving and lovely, and to know that you inspired Renee inspired you back again is just cool. I love this community! Many happy goodnesses to sweet Maddie! Happy Poetry Friday…

    1. Thanks, Amy–when I have mentioned you or your work in front of Maddie, she always says, “Oh, the really nice lady at the party in New Orleans?” 🙂 giving poetry to someone you love is terrifying. So glad Renee’s post made me do it.

  7. Lovely Laura and thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your family with your internet friends. As a grandmother and great-grandmother I can remember the milestone you described for two children and four grandchildren. The great-grand is not quite three years old, but her time will come. Remembering my daughter’s first “leaving” brought a few tears this morning, but in a good way. Best wishes for everything that is good for you and your family.

  8. Lovely Laura and thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your family with your internet friends. As a grandmother and great-grandmother I can remember the milestone you described for two children and four grandchildren. The great-grand is not quite three years old, but her time will come. Remembering my daughter’s first “leaving” brought a few tears this morning, but in a good way. Best wishes for everything that is good for you and your family.

  9. Oh my. So beautiful, your sweet girl, the image, the words. You capture that heart in the throat, proud, sad, can’t believe she’s all grown up, moment wonderfully.

  10. Oh my. So beautiful, your sweet girl, the image, the words. You capture that heart in the throat, proud, sad, can’t believe she’s all grown up, moment wonderfully.

  11. What a beautiful poem. I’m sure she’ll treasure it always, but especially as she embarks on a new adventure. Six months in Scotland! Wow!

    1. Thanks, Jama. It’s probably a little too mushy for her, but hopefully she liked it. Yep–six months. Well, three for sure in Scotland. The other three could be another country or could be in Scotland. We’ll find out soon…

  12. What a beautiful poem. I’m sure she’ll treasure it always, but especially as she embarks on a new adventure. Six months in Scotland! Wow!

    1. Thanks, Jama. It’s probably a little too mushy for her, but hopefully she liked it. Yep–six months. Well, three for sure in Scotland. The other three could be another country or could be in Scotland. We’ll find out soon…

  13. Oh, Laura, this made ME tear up — although the Communion Dress story made me laugh out loud as well. This is such a lovely gift — thank you for sharing with us, too. I can’t think of anyone better to go and experience Scotland just now than someone who knows what magic is, and what it can do. Blessings and awesome go with her.

    1. I kept laughing through tears as I wrote the letter to go with the poem, Tanita! Thanks so much for your good wishes for Maddie:>)

  14. Oh, Laura, this made ME tear up — although the Communion Dress story made me laugh out loud as well. This is such a lovely gift — thank you for sharing with us, too. I can’t think of anyone better to go and experience Scotland just now than someone who knows what magic is, and what it can do. Blessings and awesome go with her.

    1. I kept laughing through tears as I wrote the letter to go with the poem, Tanita! Thanks so much for your good wishes for Maddie:>)

  15. Truly lovely. I’m sure Maddie will feel the love behind this treasure. Perhaps it will become a lifeline to you in any unsure times to come. Letting go is so hard, but what a wonderful opportunity! Scotland is beautiful and the Scots are gracious and welcoming. I hope you get to visit.

    1. Thank you, Joyce. My husband and I went to Scotland on our 20th anniversary–our first trip out of the country. We were thrilled Maddie chose Scotland–we love it! Hoping to go at the end of her 6 months and travel around with her for a couple of weeks. Gotta get a new budget in place for that to happen, though:>)

  16. Truly lovely. I’m sure Maddie will feel the love behind this treasure. Perhaps it will become a lifeline to you in any unsure times to come. Letting go is so hard, but what a wonderful opportunity! Scotland is beautiful and the Scots are gracious and welcoming. I hope you get to visit.

    1. Thank you, Joyce. My husband and I went to Scotland on our 20th anniversary–our first trip out of the country. We were thrilled Maddie chose Scotland–we love it! Hoping to go at the end of her 6 months and travel around with her for a couple of weeks. Gotta get a new budget in place for that to happen, though:>)

  17. Gorgeous poem, Laura! So funny that we write for or about our loved ones, but don’t share what we create because we are self conscious. SO glad you wrote this poem for your daughter and shared it with her (and us!). = )

    1. Thank you, Bridget–you know I’m ok sharing crumby first drafts here and other stuff, but somehow sharing poems with the people I love most is so much harder! Thanks for the encouragement:>)

  18. Gorgeous poem, Laura! So funny that we write for or about our loved ones, but don’t share what we create because we are self conscious. SO glad you wrote this poem for your daughter and shared it with her (and us!). = )

    1. Thank you, Bridget–you know I’m ok sharing crumby first drafts here and other stuff, but somehow sharing poems with the people I love most is so much harder! Thanks for the encouragement:>)

  19. Being a mom who has let go of three daughters into this wild world, I can totally relate. I love the Mom Mush. She may not appreciate it now, but one day she will. And she probably secretly does now. I think it is important to let them know how we feel, not matter how mushy. Your Can Be pattern works well in so many ways. I also love the mermaid and cherished daughter.

    1. Thank you, Margaret–I appreciate your words. She has worked/lived a few hours away from home the last two summers, and we’re not anxious about being empty-nesters, but somehow traveling across the world and knowing we won’t see her for six months hit me hard!

  20. Being a mom who has let go of three daughters into this wild world, I can totally relate. I love the Mom Mush. She may not appreciate it now, but one day she will. And she probably secretly does now. I think it is important to let them know how we feel, not matter how mushy. Your Can Be pattern works well in so many ways. I also love the mermaid and cherished daughter.

    1. Thank you, Margaret–I appreciate your words. She has worked/lived a few hours away from home the last two summers, and we’re not anxious about being empty-nesters, but somehow traveling across the world and knowing we won’t see her for six months hit me hard!

  21. Lovely, Laura, and perfectly combined with the photo. I loved Scotland for the two days I was there. What a lucky girl to get to spend all that time there!

  22. Lovely, Laura, and perfectly combined with the photo. I loved Scotland for the two days I was there. What a lucky girl to get to spend all that time there!

  23. Just lovely. Glad you shared and hope Maddie loves it just as much. I love so many of your rhymes (technically speaking here), but the love that shines through is what you give out and it comes back to you. You are inspiring in many ways. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much, Janet. It was a little weird reminding myself as I wrote this that perfect meter was not the main goal. Because it’s always my top goal when writing verse:)

  24. Just lovely. Glad you shared and hope Maddie loves it just as much. I love so many of your rhymes (technically speaking here), but the love that shines through is what you give out and it comes back to you. You are inspiring in many ways. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much, Janet. It was a little weird reminding myself as I wrote this that perfect meter was not the main goal. Because it’s always my top goal when writing verse:)

  25. A beautiful and touching poem, Laura. What a wonderful gift for her!
    I don’t have daughters, but I have sons. When they left home, it was hard for me to say good-by, even though it just across the country, not the ocean.

    1. THanks, Pat. Good-byes are hard, no matter where they’re going…though I’d be better if she were coming home for Christmas. Won’t see her til March–ack!

  26. A beautiful and touching poem, Laura. What a wonderful gift for her!
    I don’t have daughters, but I have sons. When they left home, it was hard for me to say good-by, even though it just across the country, not the ocean.

    1. THanks, Pat. Good-byes are hard, no matter where they’re going…though I’d be better if she were coming home for Christmas. Won’t see her til March–ack!

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