Scarecookies [15 words or less]

Photo: Laura Purdie Salas

Wake up your poetry brains with 15 Words or Less (guidelines here)!


Here’s a pic from the bakery. I love frosted cookies! But scarecrows…hmmm. I think I’ve seen too many horror movies/TV shows where a scarecrow comes to life. This image makes me think of:

1) The Wizard of Oz
2) Halloween costumes
3) scary cookies that come to life

And here’s my?first draft, which I really had to cut, cut, cut to get down to 15 words. It brought back lots of memories of my daughters getting all dressed up in fancy costumes, only to have to cover all their bling with snow boots, parkas, gloves, and hats!

Halloween Costume Choices in Minnesota


(Clash with sweatpants and parkas)


(Can handle 20 layers)

–Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved

Now it’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS!??(Title doesn’t count toward word count:>)?




164 Responses

  1. Early morning, drawing a blank
    Cookies look good…
    Creativity meter sank
    At sight of food!

    Couldn’t think of anything to do with scarecrows, so this gem is what came out! The cookies look delicious though!!

    1. Hehehe–I like your freewriting take off of “if you can’t think of what to write, just write ‘I don’t know what to write’ and cover your page with it.” I have a few poems in my poetry diary about not having any poems left in me. I love that you went for it ANYWAY!

    2. Amelia, I can certainly identify with that time of morning. Clear thinking though. I’m still smiling.

  2. Early morning, drawing a blank
    Cookies look good…
    Creativity meter sank
    At sight of food!

    Couldn’t think of anything to do with scarecrows, so this gem is what came out! The cookies look delicious though!!

    1. Hehehe–I like your freewriting take off of “if you can’t think of what to write, just write ‘I don’t know what to write’ and cover your page with it.” I have a few poems in my poetry diary about not having any poems left in me. I love that you went for it ANYWAY!

    2. Amelia, I can certainly identify with that time of morning. Clear thinking though. I’m still smiling.

  3. You Can’t Catch Me!

    Hay, man!
    Though I’m on a tray
    You can’t eat me,
    for I’ll roll away!

    Reminded me of the old Gingerbread Man story… told with hay (man)!

  4. You Can’t Catch Me!

    Hay, man!
    Though I’m on a tray
    You can’t eat me,
    for I’ll roll away!

    Reminded me of the old Gingerbread Man story… told with hay (man)!

  5. Laura wish I hade one of these cookies to go with my coffee

    Spooky Fall Cookies

    lemony moon icing
    pumpkin spice smalls
    ghost and goblins giggles

    Poem By Jessica Bigi

      1. Laura I like how you comparied the good thigs to war with the bad one I understud it beater as I read it a few times I realy like you poem

        1. Thanks, Jessica–It was kind of a hard concept to get across in 15 words, but once I was stuck on it, I didn’t want to give it up:>)

    1. You did a great job describing how it feels, smells, sounds to eat one of those cookies.
      I like what you did.

  6. Laura wish I hade one of these cookies to go with my coffee

    Spooky Fall Cookies

    lemony moon icing
    pumpkin spice smalls
    ghost and goblins giggles

    Poem By Jessica Bigi

      1. Laura I like how you comparied the good thigs to war with the bad one I understud it beater as I read it a few times I realy like you poem

        1. Thanks, Jessica–It was kind of a hard concept to get across in 15 words, but once I was stuck on it, I didn’t want to give it up:>)

    1. You did a great job describing how it feels, smells, sounds to eat one of those cookies.
      I like what you did.

  7. Laura, I’m sticking with OZ imagery. Loved the creativity of form in your verse.

    The Matchmakers

    OZ’s Dorothy and
    Glenda the sorceress
    create batches of matches
    to enhance Scarecrow’s ego.

      1. Familiar story but one my adult daughter could not watch until she was in her forties. She saw the Broadway play, Wicked, and after that was able to watch the movie in its entirety for the first time in her life. Thanks for your comment.

    1. I LOVE that third line. I’m going to have to think about 4th line and what it means. Not immediately clear to me. I only remember the fire that the WW started to try to burn him up… (And thanks!)

      1. Laura, the way I remember it Scarecrow thought he was without a brain; his ego just needed a boost. I looked at the cookies as female “matches,” great for boosting the male ego.

          1. Ouch. No wonder you were indecisive. Sorry. I should have used a different word but then it wouldn’t have rhymed with batches. I’m glad 15WOL is geared toward first drafts and not a finished product. Such fun.

          2. Exactly! I never want anyone to feel they did anything “wrong!” On the other hand, it’s enormously helpful to me when people ask questions about my own draft or tell me what they were confused by. I learn from that every time. But we’re for sure a first draft Thursday community. In fact, I might need to post a reminder about that soon, since we have some new folks. I want it to be as unintimidating as possible:>)

  8. Laura, I’m sticking with OZ imagery. Loved the creativity of form in your verse.

    The Matchmakers

    OZ’s Dorothy and
    Glenda the sorceress
    create batches of matches
    to enhance Scarecrow’s ego.

      1. Familiar story but one my adult daughter could not watch until she was in her forties. She saw the Broadway play, Wicked, and after that was able to watch the movie in its entirety for the first time in her life. Thanks for your comment.

    1. I LOVE that third line. I’m going to have to think about 4th line and what it means. Not immediately clear to me. I only remember the fire that the WW started to try to burn him up… (And thanks!)

      1. Laura, the way I remember it Scarecrow thought he was without a brain; his ego just needed a boost. I looked at the cookies as female “matches,” great for boosting the male ego.

          1. Ouch. No wonder you were indecisive. Sorry. I should have used a different word but then it wouldn’t have rhymed with batches. I’m glad 15WOL is geared toward first drafts and not a finished product. Such fun.

          2. Exactly! I never want anyone to feel they did anything “wrong!” On the other hand, it’s enormously helpful to me when people ask questions about my own draft or tell me what they were confused by. I learn from that every time. But we’re for sure a first draft Thursday community. In fact, I might need to post a reminder about that soon, since we have some new folks. I want it to be as unintimidating as possible:>)

  9. When my boys were young, I used to love Halloween and the costumes.
    Fun! This picture just brings a smile to me.

    Happy Scarecrow

    I’m a funny scarecrow.
    I’ll banish fears
    and give you smiles
    with no more tears.

  10. When my boys were young, I used to love Halloween and the costumes.
    Fun! This picture just brings a smile to me.

    Happy Scarecrow

    I’m a funny scarecrow.
    I’ll banish fears
    and give you smiles
    with no more tears.

  11. I Love how he dosen’t know how he getting down
    And the 3 lines befor the last one 🙂

  12. I Love how he dosen’t know how he getting down
    And the 3 lines befor the last one 🙂

  13. I remember being a princess once & being made to wear a coat, so upsetting! Your poem, good judgement! Love the layout, too, Laura. With those cookies, can’t imagine all the work in the decorating!

    School Halloween Party

    Mom baked cookies–
    Smiling scarecrows.

    In the morning,
    crows crowded the window.
    Caw, Caw. Caw.
    Linda Baie ? All Rights Reserved

    1. Linda, I am actually hearing “caw caws” in real time. Sounds like the cookies are doing their job. Nice.

    2. I can’t imagine making cookies like that, either.
      What a lot of work! And then each one is gobbled down in less than a minute!
      I like your take on the picture — all those crows at the window.

    3. Ha! I love this little scene. That last line is disturbing for me, which I love. It’s like a little scene from The Birds, with the crows attacking instead of being scared away. I don’t know if this is how you meant it or if it’s just my sinister mind–but, either way, I like it!

      1. No worries, I meant it to be a little alarming. The scarecrows are smiling after all! Although I love birds, I guess I’ll never stop remembering The Birds when I see a group lining the wires.

  14. I remember being a princess once & being made to wear a coat, so upsetting! Your poem, good judgement! Love the layout, too, Laura. With those cookies, can’t imagine all the work in the decorating!

    School Halloween Party

    Mom baked cookies–
    Smiling scarecrows.

    In the morning,
    crows crowded the window.
    Caw, Caw. Caw.
    Linda Baie ? All Rights Reserved

    1. Linda, I am actually hearing “caw caws” in real time. Sounds like the cookies are doing their job. Nice.

    2. I can’t imagine making cookies like that, either.
      What a lot of work! And then each one is gobbled down in less than a minute!
      I like your take on the picture — all those crows at the window.

    3. Ha! I love this little scene. That last line is disturbing for me, which I love. It’s like a little scene from The Birds, with the crows attacking instead of being scared away. I don’t know if this is how you meant it or if it’s just my sinister mind–but, either way, I like it!

      1. No worries, I meant it to be a little alarming. The scarecrows are smiling after all! Although I love birds, I guess I’ll never stop remembering The Birds when I see a group lining the wires.

  15. Because I always try to find something different…!

    Hats and eyeballs,
    arms and legs?
    I think there’s a problem
    with my fried eggs.

    -Matt Forrest Esenwine

    1. Ha! Like Linda, I had to go back and look at the picture again, too.
      I get it now. A fried egg with a weird yolk. Great imagination, Matt.

    2. Matt, very imaginative. I like your different thought, a joke with a “yoke.” A fried egg yolk came to mind, but I couldn’t make it work. I’m glad you could.

    3. This is wonderful and funny a cookie pumken chicken Laying a pumken cookie egg
      I could the as pancakes also 🙂

  16. Because I always try to find something different…!

    Hats and eyeballs,
    arms and legs?
    I think there’s a problem
    with my fried eggs.

    -Matt Forrest Esenwine

    1. Ha! Like Linda, I had to go back and look at the picture again, too.
      I get it now. A fried egg with a weird yolk. Great imagination, Matt.

    2. Matt, very imaginative. I like your different thought, a joke with a “yoke.” A fried egg yolk came to mind, but I couldn’t make it work. I’m glad you could.

    3. This is wonderful and funny a cookie pumken chicken Laying a pumken cookie egg
      I could the as pancakes also 🙂

  17. My students wrote Scarecookie poems:

    and scarecakes,
    On Halloween,
    who doesn’t have time to bake?

    Don’t be afraid.
    I’m not scary.
    It’s OK. I’m not.
    You’re fired!

    Crisp cool air,
    leaves fly free.
    Children dressed in costumes
    won’t scare me!
    (Me, Mrs. Simon)

    1. These are wonderful I love them all epaclt the last one makes me think of when I was a child out trick or treating and how fall bays and night are

    2. FUN to see Vannisa and Tyler’s poems–and yours, of course. I love the voice of Vannisa’s (who doesn’t?–ha!) and the surprise of Tyler’s last line. And your free-flying leaves!

  18. My students wrote Scarecookie poems:

    and scarecakes,
    On Halloween,
    who doesn’t have time to bake?

    Don’t be afraid.
    I’m not scary.
    It’s OK. I’m not.
    You’re fired!

    Crisp cool air,
    leaves fly free.
    Children dressed in costumes
    won’t scare me!
    (Me, Mrs. Simon)

    1. These are wonderful I love them all epaclt the last one makes me think of when I was a child out trick or treating and how fall bays and night are

    2. FUN to see Vannisa and Tyler’s poems–and yours, of course. I love the voice of Vannisa’s (who doesn’t?–ha!) and the surprise of Tyler’s last line. And your free-flying leaves!

  19. I’m late getting a start today! I’ve enjoyed the entries thus far. Like, Matt, I have something a little different!

    Scary, Scary Halloween Cookies

    Orange, green,
    black sugar

    You bite.

    Bacteria grow.
    Plaque builds.
    Acids attack.

    Diane Mayr, all rights reserved

    1. Aw, man. As someone with a terrible sweet tooth, I try to ignore this kind of reality:>) I love the foreboding of that last stanza…

  20. I’m late getting a start today! I’ve enjoyed the entries thus far. Like, Matt, I have something a little different!

    Scary, Scary Halloween Cookies

    Orange, green,
    black sugar

    You bite.

    Bacteria grow.
    Plaque builds.
    Acids attack.

    Diane Mayr, all rights reserved

    1. Aw, man. As someone with a terrible sweet tooth, I try to ignore this kind of reality:>) I love the foreboding of that last stanza…

  21. Mom and dad
    Staring at the ceiling
    Me hiding
    No how did tows cookies
    Get way up their !!?

  22. Mom and dad
    Staring at the ceiling
    Me hiding
    No how did tows cookies
    Get way up their !!?

  23. Into my cart
    Strewn there in mounds
    The Halloween sweets
    Which I’ll harvest in pounds.

    1. Oh dear! I can so relate to that clever last line! (I drove through the Taco Bell drive-thru and got Cinnabon Delights on my way home from Weight Watchers this morning.)

    2. You’ve inspired me! I’m going to try to write one next time…maybe while I eat a cookie!

  24. Into my cart
    Strewn there in mounds
    The Halloween sweets
    Which I’ll harvest in pounds.

    1. Oh dear! I can so relate to that clever last line! (I drove through the Taco Bell drive-thru and got Cinnabon Delights on my way home from Weight Watchers this morning.)

    2. You’ve inspired me! I’m going to try to write one next time…maybe while I eat a cookie!

  25. Loved your poem, Laura. I can remember having my costume absolutely ruined by my winter coat.

    with warm, welcoming smile
    Scarecrow stands alone
    longing for friends

    1. Isn’t that the worst? We had some very sad princesses, gypsies, etc. over the years! Aw, what a melancholy poem. It fits a scarecrow well, stuck out there in a field…

  26. Loved your poem, Laura. I can remember having my costume absolutely ruined by my winter coat.

    with warm, welcoming smile
    Scarecrow stands alone
    longing for friends

    1. Isn’t that the worst? We had some very sad princesses, gypsies, etc. over the years! Aw, what a melancholy poem. It fits a scarecrow well, stuck out there in a field…

    1. Ooh, this could be my theme song. Though donuts and cupcakes are more my weaknesses than cookies. I love how neatly this one works.

    1. Ooh, this could be my theme song. Though donuts and cupcakes are more my weaknesses than cookies. I love how neatly this one works.

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