Madness Poetry is down to just four matchups! My matchup with J.J. Close, who does very clever wordplay, goes live at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time here. I hope you’ll visit and vote for your favorite on all four pairs of poems. Thanks to those of you who voted last week!
Hello, and welcome! This is 15 Words or Less Poems, a low-pressure way to wake up your poetry brain (guidelines here), and I’m very glad you’re here.

Here’s a photo from a Harry Potter attraction we went to last month. This is Annabelle holding a mandrake. I’m going to leave it at that and see what you guys come up with from your own imagination, Harry Potter knowledge, or interpretation of the photo.
This image makes me think of several things:
- “Thanks for the ruffled socks, Grandmom!” (not)
- Old Hawaii Five‑0 (I’m not sure why)
- totem pole in the jungle
And here’s my first draft.
It’s your turn! Have fun and stick to 15 WORDS OR LESS! (Title doesn’t count toward word count.)
16 Responses
Good luck with your next poem in the March Madness competition, Laura. I thought your entry for “doling” was especially memorable. Today’s picture made me laugh. Let’s forget he’s a mandrake.
Please Don’t Stare
Today I woke
and had a scare.
See there — I now have
leaves for hair!
Thanks, Lauren. I appreciate that! I’m enjoying the tournament, but…very time-consuming on those quick turn-around poem days.
Now, see, I’d be much more likely to read a book about a kid turning into a plant than one about a person waking up as a cockroach! This metamorphosis is more fun and doesn’t make me shudder:>)
Words up my fears.
I cover my ears
but can’t
turn off the tears.
Yeah. That. Poems are my earmuffs lately!
earplugs and ruffled socks indeed!
PotterTruths and Lies
brass plate
Ogre embracea
wide muggle smile
Wizards hide
in plain sight
Oh my. I love the otherworldly, charmed feel of this!
Good morning Laura and all. The photo is certainly a welcome sight in light of all of the bad weather and other disasters throughout the country. Annabelle’s pose and smile is perfect.
Casting Call
Pastel hair
body sheen
on a roll
posing as a troll
next, the big screen.
Hehe. The mandrake could use this and the photo as his publicity “glossies.”
Annabelle V. Mandrake
Magic leaves
on tender shoots
won’t belie your
screaming roots.
I love the word “tender” in here, Buffy. Something about it gives the poem a whole specific feeling.
poem by Jessica Bigi
not really smiling
feel like crying
hurry mom take this pitcher
troll doll left stinkers
Hehe. Every family has a picture of their kid(s) looking like, “I would rather do ANYTHING than have this picture taken!”
I love all the plant humor! Also Laura’s poems (both of them!). I’m feeling jungly…
Little terracotta god
in the corner
and rain blows
through the kitchen.
—Kate Coombs
Oh my god, Kate, this is so cinematic and eerie. Love it!
I loved your “Together. Three.” poem Laura, Good luck! Thanks for this quirky poem-image prompt, your poem fits the image well.
Beware of
Mandrake man
she holds,
whose evil powers,
all around
Thanks, Michelle! Nice threatening tone here:>)