Happy Poetry Friday! (Wondering what Poetry Friday is? Click here.)
Thank you all for your lovely words about my ghazals last week. Although I’m not a big fan of the form in general, your nice messages made me feel less ugh about them :>D
Last weekend, Randy and I went to a Twins baseball game (they lost). Music played in between bits of action on the field, and the phrase “the sound of sunshine” caught my ear–maybe it was this song? I loved the phrase and wrote this poem.
Educator, runner, and lovely human Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect is hosting the Poetry Friday Roundup this week. Thanks, Tricia!
20 Responses
Love all your simile summer feelings, especially like your ending “a lullaby
cradling me.” thanks Laura!
Oh, you are exactly right with the “summer buzz”. Schools are ending all this week & kids in my neighborhood are out, some appearing to be simply running — free! Thanks, Laura, how fun to bring home a poem from the baseball game!
Laura, with the change of weather and the warmth of the sun, summer seems to nudge spring to a different place in time. I love the noises present in your delightful poem. It feels good to be cradled by summer as you noted.
I like your precise verbs, Laura, and your ending stanza is perfectly perfect. Thanks for sharing this bit of inspiration.
Thanks, Rose–I struggled with that last stanza, so I’m glad you liked it!
All these wonderful sounds of summer! This is a mentor text I am saving for teaching next year. Your poems are teachers (to steal a well-known book title).
I adore Amy’s book and am highly recommending it in my poetry session with TX librarians in July. Thanks, Margaret!
What cool sensory details in your poem, Laura. Every moment so vivid — you really captured those summer feelings.
Wonderful, Laura! When you make a poster of this, tell me, and I’ll buy it! Love it.
Perfect poem for summer, Laura — and way to tuck in all that assonance to make it a song indeed. Happy June!
As poets we are continually drawn to seasonal poems. As we in the southern hemisphere slowly descend into winter, I found myself warmed by your words. I loved the refrain, the skilled use of literary devices and the imagery evoked throughout. Thank you, Laura. Ah, summer…
Thanks, Alan! I love seasonal poems, but I usually write about fall and winter–my favorite seasons. Summer’s way too hot for me, so this poem captures my feelings about summer only about 10% of the time. The other 90%, I’m all, “Let’s make it cooler in here!”
Perfect poem of repetition…adding this to my poetry pandemonium list for school! Love the crack of the bat and snap of the flag.
Summer does feel like the crack of a bat … it’s loud and gets one’s attention. Your whole poem captures the splash of summer!
I love the title, Laura — it sets up all of the wonderful sounds in this poem!
Summer is chatty like a cheeky toddler! Love all these summer sounds, Laura. High on my list of favorite summer sounds is the crack of a bat — love the slow summer game 🙂
Your poem is filled with delicious sounds, Laura, and is a total treat to read aloud! I agree with Margaret that it’s also a great mentor text. I’m so looking forward to summer!!!
Oh Laura, what a sound fest your poem is! I read it out loud to myself twice, just for the fun of hearing the different sounds again and again.
All those sounds, plus the silence of the opening of the first peony, the quiet steady munching of caterpillars on the fennel, and the flitting buzz of the hummingbird at the coral bells! A summer symphony!
What wordplay, Laura! That opening stanza is so full of baseball and then the poem takes us on a tour of summer. I’m a big Michael Franti fan–you might like this one too: https://open.spotify.com/track/792fgPjLLbSETh1QeNiwIQ?si=7f9f2b9e88cd49b0